A Digital EcoSystem

When Melanin Thrives Melanin Leads

By the people, For The People

Always Uphold Pride, Integrity and Dignity (P.I.D)

  • To properly understand this truth let us ask you a question: Which of the TWO scenarios below would you say is private and secure?
  • 1) Your mobile/smart phone: Would you say it is safe and private if you left it on a wooden bench in a public park while you are at home?
  • 2) Your mobile/smart phone: How about having your mobile/smart phone firmly in your pocket at all times any and everywhere you go?
  • If you chose option "2" where your consider your mobile/smart phone safer and private if it is in your pocket at all times then you already understand WHAT we do and HOW we do it hence why our servers and infrastructure are not (we repeat...NOT) in any oppressors data centre.
  • TRUTH BE TOLD:: You probably cannot get more "private or safer" than WHAT we do and HOW we do it. Thus, when Web Hosting or even video conferencing with us no one can just "shut" you down, or spy on/read your emails or even "Abuse" your conference without your input.
Why it's way BETTER
  • We Provide You Quality Digital Tools To Help Make Your Digital Life More Efficient and Pleasing

Why Join PADARE MEMBERS ONLY Community Portal

Padare is an Afrocentric online community platform for mainland Africans and the Diaspora.

It is designed to “harmoniously” connect like-minded African originated individuals in the Diaspora and on mainland Africa in a “unified” centric manner, enabling users to share ideas, collaborate, and engage in meaningful discussions as well as carefully planned homecoming transitions.

It serves as a digital gathering space where users can explore diverse interests, expand their networks, figure out/implement people genuine unification strategies,  and mutually access valuable resources.

The platform fosters a sense of belonging and offers opportunities for personal growth, professional development, and social interaction. With a focus on amplifying African originated peoples voices, communal actions and bridging gaps across the continent/Diaspora.Padare invites members to be part of a dynamic community that celebrates African ordinary peoples self-help development, innovation, resourcefulness, teaming/teamworking and shared experiences.

On PADARE you can be your own voice without fear of highly questionable hypocritical censorship and subjugation as the rationale is to give you the space and ideal conditions to Think-Outside-The-Box (while still keeping a strong vigil on the box) so that WE the ordinary people can do what no other group of individuals can do and that is finally bring about a Unification MINDSET of all African peoples far and wide simply thorugh our communal actions, resourcefulness and appreciation and value of the life of every African originated person globally.

You may not understand our ways or even appreciate us now. In fact, you may not even appreciate the digital tools we provide, but sooner or later you will…..Make the best of it because as an African originated person irrespective of where you may have found yourself living, for centuries, you have endured untold dehumanization, abuse, ridicule, subjugation, puppeteering, steered servitude conditioning and mental onslaught by an oppressor and their “system” that is intentional and relentless…as there is no “pretending” on this truthful issue. So this is our time to simply be that, that we are…the “WE” and to use the “WE” to start BUILDING our own communities.

Lets put the digital tools we provide to positive and unifying use as we all know deep inside that UNITY combined with a bit of methodical/strategic Thinking-Outside-The-Box (while still maintaining a vigil on the box) brain power is the key to solving this age old conundrum so lets start that mental unification process right here on this digital courtyard or open MEETING PLACE that in Shona is simply called PADARE!!
  • You get to meet people and "people" who share similarity in thoughts and actions get to meet you
  • Because You Have The Window Of Opportunity To Help Build A Social Platform That Truly Cares For You In The True Sense Of The Word as Simply Be You!
  • By sharing we are all caring and through these natural values we are able to contribute to the betterment of our own kind as a whole
  • High powered Learning Management tools
  • High powered Data sharing and transfer tools
  • Quality Video Conference
  • Genuine African Originated Email Servers
  • VPS WebHosting for a select number of people
  • The Next Generation Has To Do Better Than The Generation Before It And Here You Have All The Pointers And Wisdom To Make That Happen
  • Learn Technical Skills And Many More
  • Multi-Vendor Online Stores
  • Online African Only Game Shop
  • African Homes & Rentals
  • Diaspora - Africa Tours & Travel
  • We Do Not Share Data Nor Have Any Motive To Do So or History of Doing so
  • Everything We Do Is Done By Human Beings And That Is How It Will Stay
  • We Are Genuinely Located in Our Own Mini-DataCenters. No "leased" Servers or even spinning Drives just fast SSD and Self-Owned, Housed, Managed and maintained hardware/Software.
  • No "Unseen Hand" as GENUINELY African Owned, Run, and Maintained with TLC
You are human, you have a voice, you have a mind, you have thoughts and this platform provides you ample digital space to express your voice and thoughts in a positive manner as we do not limit you to "200" comment characters or even 500 characters as we let you write "essays" if you need to as we understand that "expression" requires freedom of digital space to do so.

This is a platform that provides opportunities for positive constructive discussions and interactions.....So Let The Discussions And Constructive Interactions Begin.

As a, Historically, Subjugated People We Need All Hands and Minds On Deck so Just BE YOU and BE TRUE with Pride, INTEGRITY and Dignity!
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We are not the ones that intentionally demonized everything African even down to its pure and simple food stock like “cassava and yams” etc. No! we did not go about belittling the likes of “cassava” telling the world that “Spaghetti” another simple carbon hydrate was far more better and nutritious than the pure old African cassava. You demonized and belittled virtually everything about us on your own “free” will. All we did in return was “ignore” your narcissist racists rants and ate our “cassava and yams” ending up still surviving the barrage of other diabolical hostilities you bombarded us with to destroy and nutralize every good/positive human caring value system we ever had. Sorry, but we are just being honest here as you did not have to do any of all that you have done and still do as it is not necessary.


Meet new people all over the world (Mainland and Diaspora) & make friends

Features :
  • Jump into any conversation by sending friend request
  • You can cancel request at anytime
  • Chat & Video With Each Other

Find the right group that fits your interests

There is a group just waiting for you. Better yet, create your own and fire things up
Features :
  • Join Groups
  • Create Groups
  • Join Forums
  • Create Forums

Live Messaging and Voice mail

Mobile friendly so take your social anywhere you go. Message your friends and family at any time of the day and if they are not available to message back then simply leave them a voice message asking them to get right back to you when they are free.
Features :
  • Record your message
  • Listen to your voice mail

“There are a number of social networks out there but I never really found one that felt like home as it always felt like I had to adapt. I am happy there is one now that has a bit more depth, meaning and excitement. “

“ I had enough of the manipulative rules that forced me into a corner to self-censor myself on the likes of facebook and twitter so it was natural that I look for something else “

You need to share and care to be a part of it..

I like it because I enjoy the genuine freedom it gives me to be my own voice....apart from that we put it all together ourselves!

“ Yeah yeah!! I no say other ones dey,  but this one na our own. ..so we go catchup on good old times“.



Digital Marketing Manager - Abidele


IT - Shalome Esq


Dancer Self Employed


Technical Consultant Freelance


Dance Coordinator - Preston

Open it up in a Web Browser On Your Phone and jump into it

Ok! yes we know that you have got so used to having an “app” so we are building an app for it so you can simply download it.
Enjoy Meeting Diverse people from Different cultures
  • 2k + people are already enjoying this platform

ARTIST: Burnin Spear

TITLE: This Man

If The Song Touches You In Anyway Deep Inside Why Not Put In The Effort To Help Keep The Memories of The Artist and His/Her Work Alive By Reaching Out To Buy The Track!.

This man I know him so long, I never want
To lose my respect for him
This man I know him so long, I never want
To lose my respect for him

This man he taught me lot
This man he taught me lot
This man he taught me lot
This man he taught me lot

Some politician is political hustlers
Some politician is political hustlers

They always only care about their family
Yes! They always only care about their family
What about the majority?
Oh, what about the majority?
The dreads of society
Yes! The dreads of society

Small people, you should see them
Small people, you should hear them
Small people, you should see them
Small people, you should hear them

Stand for the right, it’s a big problem
Stand for the wrong, it’s a big excitement
Stand for the right, it’s a big problem
Stand for the wrong, it’s a big excitement

This man he taught me lot
This man he taught me lot
Anyone could be Babylon
Any man could be Babylon
It’s the system, the system, the system

Any nation without their roots
Is like the trees without their root
Any nation without their roots
Is like the trees without their root

This man he taught me lot
This man he taught me lot

Some politician is political hustlers
Some politician is political hustlers

They always only care about their family
Yes! They always only care about their family
What about the majority?
Oh, what about the majority?
The dreads of society
Yes! The dreads of society

Small people, you should see them
Small people, you should hear them
Small people, you should see them

This man I know him so long, I never want
To lose my respect for him
This man I know him so long, I never want
To lose my respect for him

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