“ The Founding Fathers Once Had A Dream…But It Certainly Was Not This“

They Have You Where Thy Want You:

Masters of Deceit
I hope everyone can see the “Unspoken Truth” here? Its been a long struggle from long back with the notable likes of Samouri Toure, through Marcus Garvey/brother Malcolm/Martin Luther King/BP/Chancellor Williams/Walter Rodney/Winnie Mandela/Kwame Nkrumah/Patrice Lumumba/Cres Welsing/Assata Shakur/Sister Souljah/Emechita/PLO Lumumba/Dr. Quao/Prof Jeffries/Dr J.Small and many more to present day we all wish the best for our OWN KIND but this deception game that repeats itself in various ways one has to ask when will it stop….
Let us once more put our 5WH Thinking Framework to productive use:
WHY is no one emphasizing on BUILDING an AFRICA that is “DONE” BY those who are African and of African descent in their dna? YOU are AFRICA and AFRICA is YOU no matter how you like or “dislike” that reality so any development of AFRICA should be done by AFRICANS:
WHY are those in Media and Academia often and nearly always repeatedly drumming it in our heads on using FOREIGNERS to somehow build/develop Africa for us? [repetition, repetition, repetition = Indoctrination/brainstaining/conformance and servitude]
WHAT is classed as DEVELOPMENT is nothing other than a HUMAN CONSTRUCT (that is to say: something that “Humans” not GODS do) that is done by HUMANS and AFRICAN PEOPLE ARE HUMAN! What you do not know you can LEARN given TIME and EFFORT:
WHOM is systematically “PUSHING” and “STEERING” everyone’s THOUGHTS into the notion of Let “OTHERS” do it for YOU? This is NOT accidentally but intentional as it is too well orchestrated and maintained to be accidental.
WHO controls the Main stream MEDIA and who presents WHAT ends up being fed/regurgitated to the peoples minds?
WHY is it that out of the thousand of so called “African/Black” development [gimme, gimme…handout] “Charities” only an organization like ADDI has its head screwed on and mentions the “Diaspora’s” inclusion and a return of the mass forced and unforced (economic/political/social/educational etc.) migration of African peoples out of Africa that has taken place over centuries being an important need to return back to Africa to help build it?
WHERE is the voice of the regurgitating AFRICAN “MEDIA” or the other so called African [gimme, gimme…handout] “Charities” in positively “encouraging” this and even the public “VOICE” of the AU for that matter in all of this? If the AU truly stands for “AFRICAN UNION” then it probably is time representatives of the AU spoke up rather than just jetting around globally shacking up in 5star hotels while endlessly holding bureaucratic meaningless conferences and indulging in perks and benefits from the job!! Yes! AU you need to start beign ACCOUNTATBLE and TRANSPARENT to the PUBLIC to.
WHERE are all these “LOANS” stated to be owed by “Africa” to “china” (and anyone else) coming from?
“VOA” (Voice of America) just says billions (https://www.voanews.com/a/us-africa-summit-ends-with-billion-dollar-pledges-hints-of-biden-visit/6878956.html
“Euro News” claims 2 billion
“Reuters” says its 55 billion (https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-africa-biden-leaders-idAFKBN2SW1VZ)
WHO is requesting for these so called “LOANS” in AID (or should I say in aids)
But one has to additionally ASK and to WHOM are they being given to and WHY?
WHERE is the public TRANSPARENCY/ACCOUNTABILITY on the ISSUANCE OF ANY AND ALL SO CALLED DEVELOPMENT/AID LOANS (especially as it is the people and not the so-called “leaders” who bear the brunt of these dubious decisions by so-called leaders to keep consuming foreign hand-outs) as in a modern technological world it takes less than a days job to PUT UP public large screen monitors and feed live information from anywhere globally that is stored in a Database (NO! for those excited by technology bamboozling buzzwords you do not need “BlockChain” which is only a programming algorithm/db construct for solving the “duplicity” problem in digital currency transactions) onto a website to SHOW the LOANS data and their implementations in a TRANSPARENT Manner to the public. So no government or organizational institutional has any excuse NOT TO BE TRANSPARENT as using simple Open Source tools anyone that is a bit technical can create a TRANSPARENT environment for informing the public on things such as monies donated and implementations using such funds etc..
Instead, all that is needed is to apply technology on the government and various public services for TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY and immediately you have TRANSPARENCY /ACCOUNTABILITY: Sadly, what this gang of blue is doing it turning technology on the PEOPLE for CONTROL, DOCILITY AND SERVITUDE/SUBJUGATION. Technology could make the world a better place but sadly it is used to make the world a modern day advanced FEUDALISTIC place and sadly the west that had (and is the root of) feudalism as a disease in its societies has now slowly transported and taught AFRICANS (the once genuinely “free” people in history) the same nasty vices of feudalism. What they tried to do in COLONIAL RULE was not effective enough so much so that now that the former colonies have been transferred to another power group through its use of technology they feel they have found the perfect tool to perfect feudalism on a GLOBAL scale.
SOLUTION TIME: TO BE CANDID, they claim AFRICA has a DEBT to CHINA of say 73 Billion..that is fine!: As ludicrous as this may sound as a suggestion I personally here suggest that anyone with a bit of influence and organizational skills reading this email if you can setup an ORGANIZATION that focuses on PAYING OFF AFRICAN past DEBTS (obviously: make sure to remove any private/personal debts to individuals or companies or corrupt government officials etc. in this action).
This simple ACTION, if properly structured by the correct people and if technology is put to good use to do so (THAT IS TO SAY: owning the technical infrastructure for doing so and not merely rushing off to put the data on their servers in their data centers where they have real control and you only have an “illusion” of control) by using ‘Open Source’ prudently/creatively to avoid senseless licensing “lock-Ins” and maintain a fine degree of security over what you are setting up then tangible RESULTS can be obtained.
Yes! this can be done by simply asking ALL AFRICANS globally (in Africa and in the Diaspora) to donate/contribute 60 dollars each (one time or yearly) towards settling any past debt to the likes of china so as to genuinely FREE AFRICA (we owe nothing to the “west” as anything they have given as “loans/AID(s)” to date has long been repaid through their atrocities of slavery, colonial rule, murdering African leaders, polluting our deserts with joint nuclear tests, plotting, orchestrating and murdering MalcomX, Samouri Toure, Walter Rodney, Lumumba, sabotaging/deceiving/misleading Marcus Garvey [and many more], raping and sodomizing African Americans, in various ways physically and mentally, constructing conditions of economic slavery, turning much of African countries into havens of service point “brothels”, extra-ordinarily plotting and framing the likes of Winnie Mandela, nudging and terrorizing African migrants globally, co-opting the local “elites”, conducting Medical Apartheid on us, then embedding into “law” criminalization/systemic incarcerate of black lives all over the world after slavery, Subjugating all Haitians, weaponizing African children, publicly constructing “policies” of supposed war on terror that quietly sent out a “signal” that encouraged/endorsed the many puppet leaders to use that as an excuse to now hunt down any perceived opposition or enemy by false-flagging terrorism, Inducing/sponsoring coups all over Africa and the Caribbean, militarizing and training Africans to subvert/snitch on one another, subtly encasing Africa in a sea of clandestine organizations and relentlessly belittling and dehumanizing Africans globally over centuries, organizing and encouraging the use of African deserts for nuclear and radiation testing, intentionally distorting and systemically nullifying through education and archeology any form of African past/history etc.) and thus after the monies donated is used to pay any debt to the likes of China then Africa starts FRESH focusing on getting AFRICANS in Africa and in the Diaspora to BUILD AFRICA PROPERLY and NOT involve ANY OTHER GROUP….I REPEAT…AFRICANS SHOULD BUILD AND DEVELOP AFRICA AND NOT ANY OTHER GROUP!! WHEN OTHERS DO IT FOR YOU. “YOU” END UP LEARNING NOTHING AND ACQUIRE NO SKILLS YOURSELF SO IT HAS TO BE DONE BY AFRICAN ORIGINATED PEOPLE ONLY.
As “ludicrous” as that may sound I can assure you if it was ever taken up and done properly it will change the whole African paradigm and narrative.
For those who are mathematically inclined help me do the maths here:
In Africa mainland we are over 1.2Billion strong and in the Diaspora it is estimated that we are over 100 million so a donation of 60$ each (one time or recurring depending on anyone’s financial capabilities) should do it:
Thus, if someone or a group of capable people simply sets up an “organization” transparently that provides ONLINE (as the majority of Africans are online in one way or another) a means for collecting donations from the public (Transparently…this is easy to do if you simply put technology to good transparent use) and that monies is offered to pay any so called debt then the “noose” they have over Africa and the “SLUG” line they have used to brain-stain and dehumanize Africans as caricaturing them as “HAND-OUT CHILDREN” is gone.
Everything is possible where there is a genuine will it just takes a bit of genuine organization in a transparent manner by people who are capable of Thinking-Outside-The-Box and understand the task ahead.
Once that debt is paid then the PEOPLE have Africa back for AFRICANS and new terms of engagement by organizations such as the AU (or any other trusted body if the AU western sponsors try to sabotage things [if necessary simply engage the EFF to handle the task atleast they are putting the genuine effort to implement educational programs to teach Africans “unity” something the AU should have long organized to be done in all secondary schools etc…as you do not “preach” then”hope” for unity as you TEACH unity]) as custodian of Africa can be arranged.
The reasoning is simple: The noose around Africa is “Money”: Money is nothing other than a “Value System” [one “they” are even now trying to forcefully collapse so as to [wreaking havoc while doing so] transition away from paper-based to digital in order to fine grain centralized control and domination of it in the form of the CBDC…do not be bamboozled by the “illusion” of decentralization they sold you while wetting peoples appetite for digital currencies via gimmicks of creating a hand-full of get-rich quick bitcoiners and blockchain buzz-word spoon-fed bamboozzlers on] which is a “Construct” in the mind.
Therefore, if any person capable sets up a donation portal (now anyone with a “scammers” mindset do not even “think” about it, as if you are deceitful on this sort of thing then you put a wanted dead or alive label on yourself as NO ONE will FORGIVE you and many will HUNT you down…so dont think about scamming as this is one “territory” you tell your dubious mind to walk on by as it is sacred and should not be abused by anyone who is incapable of integrity and dignity) going by the present value system this simple method can provide the payment for the debt then that “noose” china (or any other country) may have over the continent is gone as it was repaid by THE PEOPLE and not the corrupt politicians. Thus, such a repayment will set the conducive conditions for AFRICAN self-determination productively moving forward on a clean slate.
You do not need to be a moon-scientist or an “expert” to see the common sense on such matters if you simply just use your brain to Think Outsde The Box and NOT stuck within it.
You may laugh now but if this simple/benign strategy was implemented it is probably YOU and your off-springs (continental or diaspora) who would be the beneficiaries so instead of giggling or frowning simply spread the word/solution to everyone else that you know with the hope that someone somewhere in the world of African descent in that network chain of people that one person who reads/hears it and is capable of Thinking-Outside-The-Box has the will, capability, courage, charisma and influence to make such a simple solution to a lingering problem possible.
Like Chancellor Williams once wrote himself: (I Paraphrase:) “…for many of us who should have been expected to lead the charge….we spent much of our own time trying to deeply understand the complexity of the problem that now…age/time is no longer on our side to do so….”
CONCLUSIVELY: What has been classed as western “Civilization” and “Development” has not really been anything other than wastefulness and resource grab as for example the way the “west” has perceived the use/value of mineral resources such as “OIL, GOLD, DIAMONDS, RUBBER, COLTAN” etc. and the abusive nature/disrespecting manner in which they have both extracted/mined and obtained these resources extinguishing “indigenous” populations at whim for centuries has never really benefited the ordinary person in Africa as all it has done is provide an ILLUSION of “benefits” and instead has polluted/destroyed (virtually enslaving and bringing to their knees) much of the continent in various economic ways.
More so western taught and indoctrinated abusive and long-term destructive mechanized form of AGRICULTURE has done nothing but wreak havoc on the people and the land globally causing more starvation, disease, famine and handicapping the people.Many so called “educated” are just too scared to tell the truth incase they loose their grants.
Even the same applies for their tyranny driven political systems and “INDOCTRINATING/BRAIN-STAINING” educational systems and “culture cancelling and family destroying [lgbqtmnopqrst…whatever] social and cultural systems.
Even their so called “Leadership” dogma they brag about and feverishly indoctrinate in training people with has done nothing but produce tyrants, entrenching tyranny, produced dictatorship, never ending poverty/misery, servitude, abundance of WARS, Snitches/Minions galore and widespread TERROR on the people so even on these human interaction ‘creator given’ societal interaction things they suck, lacking empathy and genuine CARE for humanity, and sadly they have proven to be the very ones who embellish, glorify and encourage warfare and chaos devoid of the lessons of their own history (you do not need an “expert” to romanticize this just “count” the number of direct wars then indirect wars then instigated wars they have had as they do not hide it its on “their” wiki pages….shocking!).
Thus, the truth is AFRICA has virtually nothing positive to LEARN from the history of violence, warfare, control obsession and dehumanization of humanity of the “west” so far, beyond the warning of “CAUTION” that history itself has taught us and that lesson of history can clearly be summoned up in the words….DO NOT FOLLOW NOR IMITATE THEIR DESTRUCTIVE AND NON HUMANE PATHS AS WE NEED TO BUILD A NEW PATH FOR AFRICAN PEOPLES GLOBALLY ONE THAT IS MORE HUMANE FOR US AND ONLY “WE” CAN DO THAT!
Lets quickly step back a few months and take a look at a picture of a supposed summit that recently took place that was sent to me: As people with a dna that is Africa let us ALL take a good look at that attached picture! Wait!! In fact…once again… let us critically look at that picture!! Now tell me what do you TRULY see?
What we see is none other than the concept that we have seen for centuries of european descendants “Playing GOD” again and again. Where in this case Blondi-J has “Summoned” his faithful, loyal and “humble” (I will get to this one later) servants to drop whatever they were doing at the time and to give orders to their presidential jet pilots to warm up the engines ready while they hurriedly put on their expected conformist “Uniforms” (with the exception of two people even on clothing they have to “conform”) and, like PLO Lumumba rightly once said, grabbing their wagging tails between their legs rushing off to catch their jet flights through their pre-granted airspace flight path entry into the USA airspace and landing bays from whence they are carted off to their hotels.
No! this is NOT an US-AFRICA summit this is a “US” SUMMONS summit as like the former AU ambassador lady in the video points out Africans did not ASK for this “summit” nor did they even participate in the casting of the agenda for this or any other similar summit.
So let us put the 5WH Thinking Framework to work once more and ask these simple common sense questions about this sudden pledge of 52 Billion dollars in Africa because this so-called “pledge” will impact ALL of us and our offspring’s/relatives now or in future somehow and someway:
1) The westernized media (repetition, repetition, repetition) repeatedly sugar-coat our ears that US is earmarking 52 Billion into investing in Africa…BUT this “AFRICA” they are referring to is not a handful of “Boys in Blue” gang members as AFRICA is made up of billions of “people” who have “Africa” in their dna so one has to ask DID this billion plus “AFRICAN” people ASK for this 52 Billion dollar “HAND-OUT”? DID AFRICANS Really ASK for HAND-OUT?
2) WHO is expected to be the “Recipient(s)” of this said HAND-OUT?
3) WHERE is this HAND-OUT expected to be given/used
4) If the African people did not “ASK” for this HAND-OUT why then is it being HANDED-OUT?
5) WHO shall be the ones now and in future indebted to this so called “HAND-OUT” as any future generation that will be chastised by wester media repeatedly for this and many other hand-outs (as they repeatedly do on their media depicting Africa as a “Charity Case”) have no direct involvement in the receiving of this particular hand-out yet they will be expected to bear the burden of it?
6) WHY is it that this european descendant man can suddenly, out of “thin air”, whip up 52Billion dollars and offer it to Africa yet ALL these so-called African leaders who mint, circulate, control and regulate money within their own bismarck territories CAN NOT themselves out of “thin air” produce this same 52 Billion dollars to flush into their OWN economies? It does not make common sense!!
7) WHAT is prompting this sudden “Scramble for Africa” as now china has “Military Bases” on African soil but I do not see Africa having military bases on either US or China soil!! Like the former AU ambassador rightly says (I paraphrase:) “…the wind blows left we scatter left, the wind blows right we scatter right without an “anchor”.
Now back to the Irony of this whole “humble” servants Boys in Blue gang member thing: You see, these same people that are here paraded as “leaders” many of them where systematically “supported”/put there as mere puppets by the same oppressor nations that colonized them physically and “economically” these same people are only “humble” to the likes of blondi-“J” as in a BLINK of an EYE they would not hesitate to order both the “minions” they have groomed/trained (many trained abroad) for that task and their other many clandestine organizations that the west helped them construct all over Africa to unleash brutality, terror, maim, decapitate, murder, slaughter, fetishize and bond in servitude their OWN KIND within their own “bismarck” territories that they govern on behalf of their oppressors.
What they are doing here is assisting in creating systematic institutional behavior that it in itself is a “layered” peak at the top with the lower layer of that top peak no better off within that top peak than the layer (the masses) at the bottom of the whole pyramid. The sad part is these “humble” servants feel content and comfortable (in a a strange way have started to derive a morbid enjoyment from it) at their own servitude within the top layered “peak” of the pyramid.
The only thing you see when you objectively look at this picture and analyze the crux of the so called “summit” is nothing other than european descendants playing GOD AGAIN.
Yes! whether anyone wants to admit it or not that is the sad reality about the “humbleness” that you see in front of you. You see “true caring and good people” in Africa will hardly ever be in those positions as they out of integrity and dignity “ABSTAIN” and even if positioned they would have long ago sought to abandon the bismarcks territories as handed out in “berlin” and replace all of it with a genuine “Africanized” adorned systems of governance that appreciates and values its OWN kind and treats its own kind humanely and they certainly would not be indulging in HAND-OUTS (sponsorship/goodwill etc.) as instead they would focus ALL their attention/resources and effort on creating and cultivating a “DO IT OUR-SELF” mindset for ALL AFRICANS. Thus: An “AFRICA” developed by AFRICANS for AFRICANS with AFRICA in mind.
P/S Do not “Hate” what you read just because you have a NEED to hate your own kind, instead of hating any truth said start being the TRUTH “yourself” as there is where you will find peace of mind, body and soul and be able to stop wrestling with any internal demons that has stunted our collective progress for centuries. Conclusively: There is nothing wrong with NOT knowing….BUT there is a lot wrong with not putting in the EFFORT TO KNOW!!