“ If you are familiar with the original peoples of North America who are labelled “Native American Indians” then maybe you are familiar with this saying from them (I Quote:) “….whiteman speaks with ‘forked Tongues‘…”“
TIMESTAMP: 00:23 NOTICE the DOUBLE “forked Tongue” SPEAK he says (I Quote:) “…This is Fundamentally a game changer“
Then you are told about “the” somewhat problem to Quantum Computing: I say “somewhat” because this is not ONLY a problem to Quantum Computing but it is the very underlying principle that makes what they call “Cyber Security” a comic relief JOKE/ILLUSION:
TIMESTAMP: 00:57 NOTE: The “THREAT to Quantum Computing” He mentions “…CRYPTOGRAPHY” He explains that the assumption behind this “security” is by cryptography making “Facotrization “”DIFICULT“”….” (NOTE CLEARLY he does not say IMPOSSIBLE).
TIMESTAMP: 00:40: NOTE: “Current State of Play of Quantum Hardware” *”…The complexity of Quantum ‘ALGORITHMS” That can be used to solve these problems”
TIMESTAMP: 01:27: He informs that Quantum Computers offer a “POTENTIAL” way to solve that problem of factorization “efficiently” (he is not saying it “solves” it note this clearly).
Always understand (as Professor Leonard Jeffries endlessly long pointed out) “language” and the use/choice of words none are “innocent” as they form the crux of human constructs.
TIMESTAMP: 01:12 Here he clearly tells you that (I Quote:) ” so the THREAT is for BAD ACTOR to be able to “”CRACK“” Current CRYPTOGRAPHY ….and clearly this is important to finance…”
TIMESTAMP: 01:23 NOTE: Here he even explains that Quantum computers are NOT powerful enough as they do not have enough “Q-bits” and more important they are not able to REMAIN COHERENT for a long enough TIME to be able to complete the process: He even tells you in Timestamp: 01:35 that maybe 10-15years to come they MAY be (But what he is also “not” explaining even here is that as these Quantum computers improve so will CRYPTOGRAPHY which I will explain in a minute):
TIMESTAMP: 01:47 (I Quote:) “…There are Quantum Resistant ALGORITHMS that can be deployed in cryptography at the moment…THE CHALLENGE…. is WHEN there is an “UPGRADE” to existing cryptography it becomes sufficiently material and critical to motivate such an industry “migration” (Mushy Talk like the native Indian says Whiteman talks with “Forked Tongue”) NOTE: Cryptography will itself NOT stand still:
Now finally in the video he then goes on to mention a few more secondary “Challenges” Timestamp: 02:24 then he refers you to the NIST database of “Known Quantum Algorithms”: No need for me to explain this as I hope what I have pointed out is enough to get you thinking OUTSIDE the BOX and ready for understanding the REALITY here:
When I first was being taught TCP/IP back in the early 90’s (nowadays I have observed that some trainings/books [intentional/unintentional] smudge the truth about the origins of the military command and control tool of the Department of Defence Advanced Research Agency [DARPA] of the internet and instead romanticise it) a time when you had to pay hefty fees and even first undergo IQ tests just to be “permitted” to do a pathetic MCSE official training back then you were well informed in class that there were “RESTRICTIONS” on exportation of “KEYS” and as of the early 90’s KEY bits sizes of 128bits, 192bits and MAX 256bits were permitted for exportation by businesses in that crypto arena. BUT (pay attention because this is the kicker) at that time in the 90’s the Department Of Defence [DOD] itself had KEY SIZES of up to 4k (4096) under lock-n-key.
WHAT YOU NEED TO ASK and WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW is “WHAT” is the present day key size that the DOD has? If way back in the early 90’s they had 4096k what then do they have TODAY:
I guess you are probably wondering what on earth has all this “KEY” mumbo jumbo got to do with SECURITY & FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS?
But understand that it is the KEY and its related STRENGTH that determines HOW FAST/QUICK they can encrypt and (most importantly) DECRYPT any transaction or message etc.
The concept of keys and their functions are complex and the mathematical algorithms involved are way above my own paygrade but the simple take away here is the SIZE and STRENGTH of the KEY.
That is all you need to understand when it comes to security. The stronger and larger keys are even by law forbidden to be provided to the public as the military reserves that right as just because the average “Joe Blogs” cant crack or decrypt a transaction when using a mere 256bit size key to do so on a 256bit sized transaction as that could take you probably a day or more to decrypt of which by that time that information carried in that particular financial transaction/message is somewhat “worthless” or invalid. BUT, using a 4k key to decrypt could do it in, say, an hour while a larger size key could do it in “microseconds” etc. so even there you have a problem as like Sista Souljah once pointed out (I Quote:) “…He who owns the cow gets all the milk for FREE….” I hope you now see the importance of “Keys”.
If the key thing is not still clear then let me provide you with another TYPE of example (messaging) that hopefully makes it clearer to understand the role of keys:
I am not sure how “familiar” you are with historical events in Africa but hopefully you have heard of a man called “Samouri Toure”?
You see around 1883 when the french during the colonial period where making their encroachment on West Africa Samouri Toure being the strategist that he was recognized that if he could only get a bit of “Teamwork/Collaboration” with another African with political influence called Ahmadu Seku at the time as Samouri Toure realized that if they could combine their effort they could severely damage (or even stop) the French encroachment.
Sadly, that never happened and the French steamrolled West Africa. You see the reason WHY that really never happened was Two-Fold 1) Ahmadu Seku was filled with Hubris and 2) probably more important, was that the message for a call for collaboration was timely INTERCEPTED by the FRENCH as Samouri Toure was “betrayed” as usual so even if that collaboration would have happened the french would have had TIME to prepare for it. In this analogy the MESSENGER that betrayed Samouri Toure was the KEY.
Hopefully, by me using something African and closer to home as an example this key stuff is clearer and moving forward hopefully you will not just keep permitting yourself to be swept off your feet into states of “Awe” and excitement over TECHNOLOGY and instead will approach technology with a steadfast analytical mindset. As if we as a people are to TRULY rise from the mud of eurocentric civilization we need to stop holding every little thing they do in “AWE” and start thinking OUTSIDE THE BOX while keeping an analytical eye ON the box at all times so we have an accurate picture of what it is up to and what it is we really are up against.
Anyway, I hope this helps to give you a clearer understanding of CYRPTOGRAPHY and CYBER SECURITY “TRUTHS” vs “ILLUSIONS“.
“ If You Are The Type That Easily Flips, Trips and Gets Excited Over technology Buzzwords Then You Are An Easy Prey For Bamboozling“