“A Legacy of Centuries of European Inflicted/Instigated Intense Oppression and Dehumanization Generation After Generation“
Very very true (though the “witchcraft” part in the video was silly and not needed because what he explains is not the reason for witchcraft) but one little thing is still missing:
MUCH of all he has correctly described (including the “servitude” which is missing) was systematically TAUGHT over centuries to Africans. Anyone who has an understanding of history BEFORE THE ADVENT of the European in Africa (this is the part “Roper” that nasty former dean of Oxford did so well to skew and undermine and successfully intimidated African so called “scholars” into a muted state of existence with) Africans were NOT like this as they lived PEACEFULLY in many parts of the continent in a state of statelessness. Yes! there were a few hierarchical structures such as monarchies but much of it people co-existed in a pure and natural statelessness.
Common sense tells you IF “Africans” as romantically depicted by europeans (INVERSION again) in many of their earlier imagery had truly been beastly “warring” mongrels of a cannibalistic nature cooking europeans in pots and eating and savagely eating them it would have been next to impossible for “bismarck” and his cronies to wake up one morning and decide to colonize a whole continent of such diverse nature as Africa as logic dictates if this was true that Africans were these depicted vicious savages we would have been skilled in the art of warfare and they at that time of low-level technology would have had never had had such a “Grandiose” thought of colonization if this was really the case…Huh!
Anyway, Africa is NOT a “village” (if you have flown over Africa paying attention to landmass extensively you will know and understand this truth) it is a huge continent with a diverse peoples and diverse environments.
It was the EUROPEAN who gently “encouraged and backed all those same evil nasty things that this video has described (one thing he has left out is HOW they have subtly fostered and “Acculturated” parts of African bismarck countries to devalue next generations Africans as now children are not encouraged to be “better” than the generation before instead they have been turned into “servile” beings who must stay docile and obedient and subservient…(HOW a progressive next-gen development is SUPPOSED to occur with such a culture/environment behoofs me but we still hope for the best).
It was europeans who during colonial rule (and a bit before) introduced, encouraged, fostered and taught the creation of “chiefs” and certain kingship ways empowering them in order to do their dirty bidding and using them to “control” the natives so to speak.
It was they who constructed the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL Complex which has been their master tool for controlling the population of all their colonized colonies.
They TAUGHT Africans and “others” (as this is not just an Africa only thing hence why you have Asian Indians all over Africa as a legacy of much of how they orchestrated the colonization and control of such a huge continent as they screwed up many parts of Asia as well) to successfully “CONTROL” themselves and BOND THEMSELVES in SERVITUDE.
After all be honest to yourself, WHO “man-ified” religions? Who amongst those who supposedly carry western religions to heart even took a serious look at the hypocrisy within each religion each one preaches “Family” but not one of them has the “head” of that religious pyramid hierarchy having a “Family” and publicly strutting pride in their own family as “men” are separated from women in various “forms” of hierarchy and yet they claim “Family” is a value they hold dear…come one its all right there in front of you?
Who introduced sodomy as they even used it as a tool for slave control. Now the whole of Africa is littered with it all in the name of “civilization”?
Who classed people into “Tribes”? Did you ever ask yourself if Africans referred to themselves as “TRIBES” BEFORE the european labelled them that way and gave them that very WORD?
The situation is so stupid its unbelievable they even Taught the same people they “labelled” as “native american indians” to start BELIEVING that Christopher Columbus founded their country even when they were standing and playing on the sea shore when Christopher Columbus’s ship drifted in to shore?
Just ask the modern day “westernised native Indian” he/she will tell you Christopher Columbus founded the Americas…that is how stupidly indoctrinated and brain-stained humans all over the world have become as Europeans are the masters of deceit and like some of the native indians once pointed out “they speak with forked tongues”?
But can you really blame them? If WE the masses are stupid enough not to question or use our brains why blame Europeans? The blame is really OURS:
Like Sista Souljah rightly pointed out and said, in her good old early days, euroepan “feminists” women came up and said to the so-labelled “Black Woman” (I Quote:) “…They are not like their men and that they are “different” From their man…” and so you should “join” their “Feminist Movements” then behind the scenes they gave those women labelled “black” who “joined” their “feminists” movements 100 hundred reasons why they should leave their African man and let them (white feminists) instead eat the so labelled “black woman’s” pussy…and sadly a lot of women labelled “black” fell for it and now many are so called feminist who have to fight harder and aid in tearing down any form of African Unity and cooperation of man and woman because now they identify as being “feminists” and lesbians and certainly cant support “family” or Male/Female unity. Alas! as for the “men”….well many too plummeted down the drain in a similar set of conditions.
If we the MASSES are so stupid to BUY into all this INVERSION madness can you blame them? NO!!!
Africa makes no weapons yet is is littered with guns that can only be effective against Africans…did anyone ask HOW did all this happen? Africans did not put in the effort to CONSTRUCT any financial system yet they find it hard to understand WHY they are locked in and heavily dependent on the western financial system. Just like the construct of infrastructure, “MONEY” is a HUMAN CONSTRUCT and does not come from the heavens as it is something that humans create, control and attribute “value” on, if you abandon creating any form of VALUE system for exchange of goods and labor for YOURSELF and YOUR OWN KIND then why complain?
Everything got INVERTED (for those who are too lazy to use a dictionary “good turned into bad and bad turned into good”) and it was peddled to us as “civilization” and we FELL HEAD OVER HEALS FOR IT!!
They even successfully sold the french speaking Africans a mind-boggling illusion of “gratefulness” penalizing them with a hefty yearly taxation as “gracious” REPAYMENT to the “french” for helping french speaking niggas become “CIVILIZED” and able to use “toilets” and “knives and forks” (NO! I am not kidding go read it is not hidden this is a FACT!!!!).
Then add to all this the madness of the introduced educational indoctrination system which to is a by-product of europeans. Even the very set of “CRITERIA” that so called African scholars used to WRITE and CONSTRUCT “African History” after so called “Independence” was bestowed upon Africa even that too was “GIVEN/FED/HANDED-DOWN” to them to use to start writing so called “African” history imitating HOW europeans have “glorified” and “Romanticized” their own “his-story”. Yes any serious and objectively genuine “Researcher” understands this point I am pointing out about the set of “Criteria” for defining a “Civilized/Developed Nation” and how African scholars at the time scrambled to write “something”.
So what do you expect? Garbage in, garbage out! Thus, the end result is that you get MIS-EDUCATED (“Myself” included at one point in time I too was mis-educated) people what else? Many of whom cant even understand this reality let alone have the courage to question all their presuppositions many of which were fed to them by the same Europeans who in the end ended up compartmentalizing their brains and ways of “Thinking” making it hard for them to even discern truth from falsehood.
If you are looking for ROOT CAUSE just remove your tinted glasses and analyse HISTORY objectively and do so NOT the way they have groomed/taught you to see “his-story” as fed you. As in all truth they do not even hide it, it is just that we as individuals prefer NOT to see it as we prefer ILLUSIONS, Romance, Glorification, elevated grandeur and the burying of our own head in the sand.
After all, lets face it, WE helped them in many ways as it was US who also took any “mental” (it has nothing to do with “creation”) concept thrown our way for example the concept of “Poverty” and we encapsulated it in romance and started glorifying it senselessly in song and books with little understanding/care that the concept of “poverty” is actually a state of mind and a human construct?
We even bragged and showed off in every party or celebration we had locally our ability to buy “imported” small pieces of chopped up canned pineapples for 500% the price of the original WHOLE pineapple that that was sold to the western owned “canned” pineapple making company by us in the first place. Thus, we could not even see our own madness!! Those small sugary flooded syrup chunks of pineapple that returned back to us “canned” and stamped with a “branded and patented label” that actually started its journey in Africa as a “WHOLE” pineapple in the first place before traveling abroad and returning as a few small sliced chunks back and we just cant see it nor (common sense) question the rationality of any of this?
Surely we MUST ask: HOW did they get YOU and I the ones that were genuinely FREE and were provided everything by “creation” (Land, resources and free will and even a brain) to give it all up and start mentally buying into the INVERSION ILLUSION and “Believing” that living in “mortgaged” houses that you do not own the land and becoming highly dependent on “supermarket” chains for food orchestrated by our own oppressors in bewildering concrete jungle environment filled with smog and pollution and overbearing structures that could collapse at the brink of a natural disaster is ( sadly it does not end there as even in “death” it continues as if you die and someone after you cant “pay” for the burial space they start burying other people in your grave spot on top of you etc.) far better than the freedom you had naturally to move around or be able to determine your own life in the motherland if you put in the effort to grow your own food to feed your family, own your own land and build your own house on Your own land with no modern day “feudalism” in place forcing brother to hate brother, sister against sister and destroying family while also turning strangers we once welcomed in our homes into concepts referred to as “enemies” (yet another european construct) and being able to grow old gracefully and die and be buried in peace? Yes my sisters and brothers tell me HOW were they able to INVERT everything and peddle an ILLUSION to us so sweetly over the centuries?
May Inner Peace of Mind Be With You!


Irrespective of what religious institution you claim to belong to if you genuinely believe in a higher being then drop the self-vindication illusion as it would not be a “higher” being if it is weak, pitiful , cheek turning, putting you above “other” while always forgiving for you to do the same evil all over again in different humanly ways. That is NOT the creator as that is the “man”ification of the illusion of the creator.