MansaMusa posted an update
5 months, 1 week agoLIKE SISTA SOULJAH ONCE POINTED OUT: G W BUSH IS A TERRORIST as he creates terror in the hearts and minds of people all over the world. Now, just listen to the deceptive EVIL spewing out of his mouth here. He shamelessly and arrogantly tells you what they are doing “SUPPLANT” (the key word here and remember the so called conflict and “jungle” he hypocritically refers to is something THEY orchestrated as it was they who masterminded all these wars done by them) as that is what they are doing so go on look up the real meaning of that word as it tells you directly WHAT they are doing and HOW they are doing it. Simply PURE EVIL (ask yourself according to this evil creature the “strong” respect the will of the weak…yeah right is that what “History” has taught you? This man is just PURE EVIL) is what you see in this creature just plain sophisticated EVIL….and the masses just fold their arms and gleefully cheer on!!
1 Comment-
MansaMusareplied 5 months, 1 week ago
Pay attention to DETAIL as it is in plain sight for all to see and hear as the wording tells you all.
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