• MansaMusa posted an update

    4 months, 1 week ago

    At last their own are now waking up to the truth of todays world and have had enough of the sugar coating things as the “Empire” impacts them to.

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    Reacted by Odiwuor
    • It makes me sad that some of our own do not see or listen even when the writing is on the wall and the birds are singing about it. Some of our own are available and ready to be used by the same “empire” against us.

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      • Mis-Education is just one part of the story as the other part is Societies of SERVITUDE where many from childhood are raised to be docile and servile and in more recent times the efforts to achieve complete SERVITUDE has increased through mechanisms of eurocentric handed down “CLASSISM”. In many parts of Africa we now have what we call “Yes SA!” societies. It is so prevalent but somehow people cant see it even when it stares them daily in their faces!!

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        Reacted by Odiwuor
        • I agree 100%. Furthermore, some of those who see it are too complicit to do anything about it. Add “I was just doing my job” to this equation, and you see what got us here. That article you wrote just summarised a good part of the problem.

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          Reacted by MansaMusa And 1 Other
          • Dear Brother Odiwuor you are absolutely correct on that “…I am only doing my job…” weak justification that many give for enacting evil on their own kind.

            However, there are many who actually “do not” know WHY they do and feel the way they do to their OWN KIND.

            To give you a real example in mid 90’s Myself and brother Angelo (from a small island called Curacao in the Caribbean) were seated waiting to get a police incident report in Mombasa. Then in a queue that had formed also waiting at the front-desk of the police station there was a bunch of euro tourists that were happily chatting away.

            Then a Police lady who had walked into the room saw the tourists at the far end of the queue and had then “automatically” walked up to them and ignoring the other locals (also in front of those same three european tourists in the queue) thus giving the “euro-tourists” preference and started attending to them.

            On overhearing what they were wanting it was clear to myself and brother Angelo that they were really pulling another (many of them do this when they travel to so labelled Third World Countries) insurance claim “scam” as we had seen them even before they entered the police station outside when seated and chitter-chattering joyfully in their 4×4 Jeep.

            In europe (especially students) when they travel they get a “bag-pack” stolen report (“stolen” or “not” stolen) and then come back to europe submit it and get paid from the insurance (after all it happened in a Third World country as “usual” so the insurance companies pay out). If you have lived long enough and mingled in the west you will understand this scam reality as personally I, in the past,  never met any european student that had not “done” it as all that I knew “DID IT”.

            Anyway, myself and brother Angelo afterwards approached the Police woman and asked her WHY she had given them preference. She was kind enough to respond (as usually they get angry/almost violent like in Namibia and Nigeria where one had also asked the same question in the past)  stopping to actually question herself sincerely WHY she did it.

            Her answer was honest…She did NOT KNOW s it was AUTOMATIC as she just had an impulse to do so….!

            Hopefully,  that honest response from her shows you the DEPTH of the SERVITUDE factor where the overwhelming majority of our people have been conditioned to both fear and pedestalize europeans while despising and hating our own kind.

            This AUTOMATIC embedded behaviour is widespread as in similar situations we encountered it in Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Namibia and in those cases when questioned it produces a defensive brute like form of self hate from them.

            Conclusively my brother we have a LOT of work to do to teach a younger generation a new way and to ensure “self-worth”, “dignity”, “integrity”, “equality” is habituated and universal in scope as we have to bring back the “VALUE” in and of the African child no matter where he or she may be and it starts with the African understanding the need to start valuing the African. Stay Strong!

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            • I am sure when many of our people start focusing on detail and root causes we will eventually adopt the right MINDSET as our very survival depends on it whether we like it or not.

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              Reacted by Odiwuor
            • Woah! I didn’t know about the insurance scam. About the example, its everywhere. Here in Kenya, we experience it every day, and I can tell you the script is the same. Preferential treatment for “whites” is almost innate. It is this self-loathing that young people must be stopped from perpetuating. A majority of the older generation is almost beyond redemption on this. But there is hope, i strongly believe that.

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              Reacted by MansaMusa And 1 Other