Oladele posted an update
3 months, 3 weeks ago-
MansaMusareplied 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Like Sista Francisca points out her experience and ours may not be the “same” but resilience is crucial. The “WE” needs to rise and take over the “I” that has been systematically embedded in virtually everyone by the evils of the eurocentric “System”.
One powerful tool is simply “ABSTENTION” as it is the most powerful tool anyone can have in their arsenal of survival tools. It is simple, pure and integrity filled and it is simple to implement.
For example, simply do not teach or indoctrinate yourself, your children or those around you with any of these imposed religions and if you are strong enough to do that you will find you will attain a certain inner peace of mind, body and soul free from traumas as the power of ABSTENTION is something nothing (not even money) can buy for you.
Simply ABSTAIN (prevention) from these diseased rhinoceros religions and you will find you will be free from self-hate, traumas, confusion, evil, wickedness to own kind, lack of P.I.D and you will not be subject to suicidal tendencies/thoughts as it is harder to “cure” the cancer than it is to “prevent” the cancer… simply ABSTAIN.
MansaMusareplied 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Lest I forget the honesty of Nduku and Oladele at around timestamp 36:00 is worthy of note because like they clearly pointed out, the “confusion” one will feel is because you hold on to and wrestle with conflicting views. Thus, the truth which you know deep inside but are afraid to acknowledge and the (opposing) imposed views that was forced upon you by your “oppressors” that sadly you to were raised with by your own parents etc.
The “traumas” you feel are because you “wrestle” with reality and are afraid to acknowledge the truth about that which the imposed views has embedded deep in you with tacit fears of some form of “reprisal”. Use your “brain” here (and not your tacit fears) as that is why the creator gave you one:
So let us be honest about it, ever since these “religions” were imposed let us ask the simple question WHEN, I repeat WHEN have you seen Africans at genuine “peace” with one another? All we have had as a people is turmoil, chaos and strife etc. The “WE” got supplanted with the “I”.
In fact, you cannot even do a simple thing as travel from one point in Africa to the other (i.e. from east to west or south) as there is always a “nigga” MONION there to hound you for “papers” when BEFORE the coming of any “introduction” of any of these alien religions by these oppressors African people moved FREELY in peace and stateless harmony from south to west and vice versa?
Come on use your brain!! These religions are “EVIL” (have been, Are and Will Always be) as all they have done is turn you against your OWN KIND, made you SERVILE, subjugated, made you docile, helped to turn nearly every African society in to “SoSS” societies (Societies of Servitude and Sodomization), made you unprogressive, devolved your societies into uncivilized fermenting societies and have been a strong root cause in dividing families pitting brother against brother, sister against sister etc. and for some strange reason you still bury your head in the sand to these realities?
Yes! it is these same very religions that has been SODOMIZING and CASTRATING you and your own kind (Legitimizing the making you a eunuch) from the very beginning of their introduction and indoctrinations. Stop being weak and stupid and simply WAKE UP!
Any religion that binds/bonds you with FEAR of some wicked/vengeful supreme being that takes delight in enacting reprisals for traps it sets for you when you eat an “apple” in order for it to then send you to a so labelled “hell” for not “believing” is simply STUPID and EVIL itself.
As it does not even make sense!! Where has common sense gone I ask?
SUBJUGATION, SERVITUDE and SODOMIZATION are NOT part of creation and since all these “RELIGIONS” are GUILTY of these things it shows you and unequivocally tells you that these are nothing more than mere HUMAN CONSTRUCTS and nothing more and nothing LESS.
How so called “educated” people fall for these fables and lies amazes me as what that tells me is that even the present “education” is a “MIS-EDUCATION” as it only breeds mental and emotional instabilities and weakness in the so called “educated” making them a devolved human being. Thus, education itself needs to be restructured to be a TRUE education and one probably replaced with acquisition of “skills” as its roots rather than the acquisition of present “theory/indoctrination”.
Conclusively, The creator is pure, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, sublime and most importantly JUST and not wicked, evil, dully-dallying, rewarding, punishing nor favouring as it certainly does not favour “one” group over another nor does it go about rewarding or punishing human beings and it certainly does not spend its time setting “traps” to “test” you so that it can either punish or reward you….come on use your brain!!!.
Simply free yourself from the lies and distortions that sadly your own parents probably steered you into as they were brainwashed into being viciously loyal and binding to some alien religion themselves as they in turn were “groomed” into “belief” and “obedience” and thus through their own actions handed down/embedded that same loyalty inside of you. It is these handed down human constructs that confuse you and make you traumatized if you simply ABSTAIN were possible or push aside these “cancers” then you will find INNER PEACE of MIND, BODY and SOUL free from the traumas you end up wrestling with in life.
Sadly, the real problem and cause of any trauma or mental/emotional inadequate state of being is what you see in the MIRROR and the MINDSET WHAT YOU SEE in the mirror possesses. You may not like to hear this but its the TRUTH!
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