MansaMusa posted an update
3 months agoThe “WE” has a lot of challenges that it MUST seek to find SOLUTIONS for. Yes! The “WE” MUST list in some digital form/listing ALL the possible development and progress “STIFLING BLOCK”. That is all those nasty things that PREVENT AFRICAN originated people from UNITING harmoniously.
When the “WE” has created a comprehensive “DIRECTORY LISTING” of ALL the possible Stifling blocks THEN the “WE” MUST seek to put pen to paper (Finger to keyboard) and write/document and archive ALL POSSIBLE “THINKING-OUTSIDE-THE-BOX” SOLUTIONS to these very stifling blocks.
One stifling block to go on that list is what this video clearly shows as the “WE” MUST address the break down of the family and the infestation of eurocentric vices on the female mindset as well as the SODOMIZATION of the males. ALL MUST BE ADDRESSED IN THE SOLUTIONS.
It is not “good Enough” for the “WE” to simply ask “….HOW DID WE GET HERE….” BUT the “WE” MUST provide SOLUTIONS TO THESE SOCIETAL DEGRADING EUROCENTRIC STIFLING BLOCKS that have now infested ALL our melanated societies Mainland and Diaspora.
Remember put aside you Mis-Educated mindset and using the simple 5WH Thinking Framework think OUTSIDE-THE-BOX (while still keeping a strong vigil on the box) and come up with (and archive) practical solutions that present and future generations can put into practice to rid our people of these inherited and supplanted vices.
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