• MansaMusa posted an update

    3 months ago

    How sad that the present (and past) Mis-Educated African wanna-be elites are incapable of comprehending the simple fact this man explains here that the “SYSTEM” to which these fools all blindly follow and live by is and has been a violent, under-developing and brutal SYSTEM as it was NEVER DESIGNED to be anything other than one laced with SERVITUDE, DEHUMANIZATION, SUBJUGATION and SODOMIZATION, MANIPULATION and CORRUPTION so one has to ask the simple question WHY are these mis-educated elites so adamant on “protecting” such a system that puts them at the pit of civilization 

    The YOUNGER GENERATION it is time you Boldy ask and demand from your own parents ANSWERS? Ask WHY are they leading you down a pit? WHY are they forcing you into SUBJUGATION are you not their child? So WHY do they shamelessly and thoughtlessly then lead you ASTRAY to carry on and over their foolishness and stupid actions? WHY are they AIDING and ABETTING the DIVIDE and RULE you MUST ask WHY? AS WHY would they HOLD back the NEXT generation a generation they even used their own private parts to produce how foolish can any group of people get simply because they want to be wanna-be “elites” and good MINIONS for their oppressors so someone tell me WHY?