Odiwuor posted an update
2 months, 2 weeks agoCapitalism makes you think you are thinking when you are not!!!
MansaMusareplied 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Well pointed out my brother Odiwuor…permit me to add this little piece of truthful information for anyone who sees and understands your post:
Brother Kwame (A.K.A Stockely) did his best back in the days to show the sheer stupidity of one of the eurocentric “systems” known to many as “Capitalism” and he clearly explains that it is a “system” that actually works against humanity, which should be clear to anyone with a brain.
However, my brother Kwame, like so many of our pure in soul brothers and sisters at the time also had “limitation” in their options (especially considering the conditions at the time of their own very “existence” within space and time) for deductive reasoning.
Those limitations were again subtly placed in front of them and “supplanted” in them as like many before and after him none of them put the 5WH Thinking Framework to “ethical” critical thinking use as if they did they would have spotted that the basket of options from which they were choosing and thus “leaning” on were again eurocentric human constructs placed within their domain of thoughts.
Innocently, like other members of the “BP” movement and many well meaning African originated globally dispersed speakers and authors they saw “Communism/Socialism” as an “erstwhile” alternative.
Sadly, not one of them ever seemed to give a thought to “CREATING” THEIR OWN AFRICAN authentic SYSTEM based on their own VALUES and understanding of Freedom, Structured Statelessness, Reciprocity, Governance, Natural laws, Wisdom, Efficacy, Aspirations, “WE” Conceptualization, Experiences and Interactions etc. Instead they, like others before them, again “reached out” and picked another eurocentric “….ISM” as the only viable option.
I do respect my genuinely concerned BP Movement brothers and sisters before me, especially as I understand their limitations in thought, pressures of existence and challenges at the time, but another eurocentric “….ISM” is NOT the way forward for African originated peoples globally as we have to construct OUR OWN unique “SYSTEM” irrespective of whom it may displease as ALL eurocentric “…..ISMs” end up as Rolls Royce Evolutionaries that serve a centralized control plane.
What Africa needs is a refinement of what it once had before it was brutally (forcefully/violently) and manipulated/steered (vices of religions and mis-education) to become “ashamed” of it so as to both abandon and neutralise any form of development we may have attained.
We do not need any eurocentric “…ISM”! What we presently need is for Africans with the capabilities to realise that they need to do a bit of teaming/teamwork and carefully plan and execute a SYSTEM constructed, documented and archived by THEIR OWN KIND, for THEIR OWN KIND, thus a SYSTEM that appreciates and respects the principles and values that permit the “WE” to thrive and excel over the “I”.
Constantly “LOOKING” for “other” (ones oppressors) to provide a system instead of BUILDING YOUR OWN SYSTEM will repeatedly land Africans in deep boiling waters of confusion and chaos.
YES! TIME TO STOP Looking outward and to start looking INWARD as the only thing stopping us is our lack of courage to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, (whilst still keeping a vigil on the box to minimise its diabolical treachery) as we embrace and figure out “HOW TO” construct such a SYSTEM that appreciates and elevates the “WE” over the “I”.
OK! So WHAT IS THE “WE” I hear some ask?
For a starter (though its a topic for another day and certainly not today as one is way too busy) if your mindset is still stuck in my Country “Ghana”, or my Country “Nigeria” or my Country “Kenya” or my Country “South Africa” or my Country “Burkina Faso”, or my Country “Congo” etc. then you are stuck in the “I” mode and certainly NOT THE “WE” mode.
The “WE” fully understands that “bismarck” crafted your borders and not one single African or African group participated in that “construct” so automatically that nullifies any authenticity of it. So any embrace of such stupidity is (similar to what brother Kwame says above) STUPIDITY of the highest level.
If you, as an individual, still wrestle with comprehending that little piece of TRUTH then probably best consider re-evaluating your approach/strategy towards acquiring qualitative knowledge to replace the quantitative indoctrination that you have been spoon-fed through various channels to date. By attempting to re-educate yourself you will purify and cleanse your mind from the mis-education and its related debris that makes what we see in the MIRROR feel “uncomfortable” to see as it is truly what we see in the MIRROR that is the true stifling block.
Odiwuorreplied 2 months, 1 week ago
I totally agree with you. The other day I was talking to fellow comrades about whether I can move to another country like Zambia and answer was that its not a big issue. In fact, for me it is like changing neighbourhood. That is to say that regardless of the geographical location, we are all one people. We never participated in the egregious partitioning of our land, and have nothing to do with the boundaries.
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