MansaMusa posted an update
1 month, 1 week agoFINALLY: Others are beginning to point out something I have pointed out for decades that falls on deaf ears:
WE ARE OUR “OWN WORSE ENEMY” our lack of understanding of the remnant of “white value addiction” that we see in the mirror has left us mentally shackled with intense inverted hate, envy, rivalry and glorified betrayal.
LISTEN, YES! LISTEN CAREFULLY TO “EVERY” WORD THIS PERSON IS SAYING. Virtually, “ALL” the sabotage, envy, deceit, manipulations, sleazy scumbag scheming and “hate” that I directly experienced in many parts of Africa and the diaspora these people were ALL the same ones who professed and swore by RELIGION. I guess something “sinister” embedded in “Religion” attracts them. Like they say thieves are always attracted by “Theft” itself.
Like brother Jerome Fox in his workbook points out, it is our Addiction To White Values that helps to obfuscate our own reasoning into failing to see that we never SOLVE problems but rather dwell on them and exacerbate them. We fail to step back and understand the two value concepts of “Control” and “Money” with us being incapable of recognizing that these are mental constructs that we implement and adhere to. Where by we end up permitting both to override our own sense of being.
These two diseases (Control and Money) need “SOLUTIONS” and since no one is coming together to even discuss them (let alone implement results of those discussions) it is clear we are far from “understanding” our own problems. We preach BUT do not “TEACH” (the very thing we need to structure and organize on a “mass” level to do in order to eradicate both these diseases of the mind).
Just ask yourself WHERE (I repeat WHERE) have you seen a group of our own people ever coming together (meeting consistently) to truly “discuss” such things. That is discussing with the view of obtaining a solution to these “diseases” where they truly desire an end productive “RESULT” for these two destructive value systems that we need to eradicate? Personally, I have never seen nor heard of any such grouping….despite the availability of the internet to do so no one seems to be organizing conferences or meetings to do so but are instead quick to Gootube and pat themselves on the back as they gloat about trivial things.
We are even quick to jump on “bandwagon” and try to steal each others (probably not even well thought out) ideas and without much deep thought or planning run off with them to try and create communities infused with the same eurocentric values that got us in this mess in the first place.
Instead of us (before we grab these lofty ideas and run off with them) first “stepping back” and realising that these same ideas in order to avoid them ending up as lofty white elephants themselves we first need to group, listen, learn, structure, refine then implement with a deep thought process of thoroughly thinking things over, as well as , carefully planning and strategizing what it is we are truly in NEED (not merely the “want”) of achieving.
Instead we we grab the idea in its own lofty form and simply float on the idea that “control” values within us embeds in us. Then in the end defeating, and watering down, the possible productive end “result”.
Yes! the problem is “us”, but at the same time the SOLUTION is also “us” as we need to spend more time understanding and doing “Ethical Critical Thinking” (have you not also noticed how when people refer to “critical thinking in general talks “somehow, they never refer to it in the “ethical” variant of it….I wonder WHY that is?) as opposed to “control” based leadership thinking.
Anyway, many thanks to bother “lus” for bringing this video to my attention.
MansaMusareplied 1 month, 1 week ago
“IF” only we truly understood and practiced the “WE”. Sadly, far too many have a LOFTY idea of the “WE” and instead of putting the effort to GENUINELY understand the “WE” they run off floating and practicing their LOFTY mis-interpreted ideas that are themselves formed out of their own addictions to eurocentric “I” VALUES which are inclusive of all the “…ISMS” of what they erroneously “THINK” is the “WE”.
The “WE”: If you simply step back and try to understand then practice is itself embodied in the principles of “MAATT” (no not acronymic with a single “T” but a double) and not in any eurocentric construct of an “…ISM” nor in its “INFUSED” versions of those same “…ISM’s.
STEP BACK, STOP LOOK and then LISTEN (do not just hear) then you will SEE!!
Odiwuorreplied 1 month, 1 week ago
Indeed, the “I” is the enemy of the “we”. Sadly, for most of us in this continent, the “I” is the default mode.
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