• MansaMusa posted an update

    1 month ago

    Exactly at 8:00 minutes in the gentleman tells you clearly how MIS-EDUCATED YOU ARE and unless you de-sanitize your own mind YOU are the PROBLEM. Step back take a good look at your own society and your habits…Ask yourself HOW MANY TIMES TODAY HAVE YOU SAID…YES SA! or YES MA! Do you even KNOW WHY you respond automatically like that? Why are you even addicted to the horse-tail on your head? Go on honestly ask yourself WHY??

    Right there you have been brainwashed, dehumanised, made to hate self and devalue self, been forcefully subjugated, made SERVILE so badly that you now subjugate yourself misrepresenting “SERVITUDE” for Respect. To make matters worse you are extremely now often docile, lethargic and apathetic by habituation as you have bought into the hierarchy of your oppressors and all the nasty values they imbued in you subtly. Yes! you now conditioned into morbidly “enjoying/romanticising” the subjugation of YOURSELF…ITS IN YOUR MIND look in the mirror YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!

    TIMESTAMP: 20:10 Observe the gentleman has just said something I have been publicly (as best as my PR connections go) screaming my lungs out on and even on three occasions mass emailed people asking them to do a bit of TEAMWORK/TEAMING on and create a blueprint of a AFRICANISED SYSTEM that can be used ass a guide to REPLACE this defunct and perverse/evil existing …ISM’s of Systems. 

    The sad part is all those so-labelled scholars KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE but NOT ONE of them is willing to organize and get it done. I am only ONE MAN and I cant do justice to such a much NEEDED DOCUMENT. Yes! I can handle my areas of experience and skills but such a document is expansive and needs a great level of detailing with a breadth that spans my sub-set of skills. Yet! to all my calls ONLY ONE PERSON offered to do a bit of teamwork and that offer was on the creative side of the actual document and not really on the substance of the document.

    All these so called educated folks and not one capable of proving that they truly are “educated”…that is right NOT ONE! So one has to wonder what did you go to university and acquire (A.K.A Toilet) paper for? Not One of you had the balls to rise to the challenge and teamwork/teaming on the construct of a SYSTEM for Africa yet you talk/preach “PAN” this and “Black” that!!

    SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! so called educated mis-educated” wanna-be’s.

    Yet like the “LOOTING MACHINE” & “Addicted to WHITE” books points out you erotically know how to cunningly devise schemes to self-destruct and subjugate your OWN KIND as you get extremely intoxicated on “values”/Value systems design to subjugate, dehumanise, sodomize and demean you and your own KIND! What a crying SHAME!!