Undoubtedly every sentence she says in this attached clip is sincerely relevant yesterday, today as it will be tomorrow…..Certainly she deserves an encomium!
For what it is worth even though “New Year” itself is merely a “CONSTRUCT” that exists only in the mind of humans who subscribe to it, in of itself (Quick Explanation for those who often “struggle” with grasping such TRUTHS: “….concepts such as “New Year”, “24hrs in a day” etc. for other living organisms that are also part of creation have no meaning or worth as these are simply a figment and practicalization of the imagination of human beings….”) it bears no genuine association to reality or truth: NEVERTHELESS, for those who require it do make the best of the New Year and gracefully maximize the coming Years time-frame to keep mind, body and soul in harmony.
SINCERE GREETINGS TO ALL Irrespective of differences….So Do Enjoy and Make The Most of The Festive Season!!
May inner Peace Be With you!
That said, with all the senseless things happening around one I had to dig into the video archives for answers/understanding and I saw this short attached video clip from around 2 years ago that helps put things in proper perspective/context. I also realized I never really paid much attention back then to this particular video (my bad) largely due to ones understanding of the “other/flip Side” of this coin where the same scumbags/people who are supposedly shit scared of/feel inferior to shey-YT are the very same ones who are more than eagerly ready, anxiously willing and “fearlessly” obediently ever so ready to be brutally nasty, ruthless, vicious and “hateful” to/on their “OWN” kind…very sad!!
Anyway, it is what the lady says in this video clip (though she scratches only the surface of this issue and its orchestrated “intentions” designed to foster “division” and systematically prevent/stifle African sincere joint mental cooperation and unique self-help and development/advancements) that is crucial for all to grasp and something that needs to sink in (because the nefarious strategy of educational dogmatizing and religious/social indoctrinating of us via various subtle methods has been extremely successful for centuries to date rooting “division” deep within those labelled as “black” while repeatedly churning out as an end result “sell-outs”, “saboteurs”, “insensitive/cold-blooded ruthlessness”, “churlish/unappreciative self-developed characteristics”, and ignoramus “wanna-be” mental dwarf feel-gooders who fall short on “understanding” basic common sense things at alarming rapid rates etc.
Sadly, often all of this ends up leaving the bulk of the “rest” of the masses senselessly holding deep seated contempt and hate of their own kind while unknowingly themselves embodying the lethargic “living Dead”) and it needs to be always borne in mind by all as.
That said, it is nice to see some astute African persons among us that have spotted such a “reality” worth pondering over because far too often many among us tend to bury our heads in the sand oblivious (or out of self fostered fears) as we look the “other” way or panic and thus ending up with disquiet trepidation making ourselves amputate our own minds into believing (as B Marley once sang) that in the abundance of water we think we are thirsty .
A mindset that ends up making positive reasoning and basic discussions impossible to have…Its a very disheartening and soul draining experience: Anyway! (assuming the lady in the video “means” what she says and that she is not just showing off for the camera and audience or “cashing in” as far too many have done) Well done to the lady as she undoubtedly deserves an encomium!
“ Chameleons do not change Their Nature They simply change skin “