The Real Power is The People
No one chooses how, where and what at birth and it would be folly to say that “ALL” those who have labelled themselves as “white” are evil. However, it would be correct to say that it is extremely difficult to find one that is objective enough to face certain truths about the european human construct that is referred to as “RACE” as if not they too would long have unsubscribed from existing to place themselves in that very same human construct of “race” that is one of the mechanisms for providing the lubricating oil for the system that they who have labelled themselves as “white” have both constructed and maintained ferociously perceiving it for its material benefits..
Plymouth Rock Landed On Us!
A Pure and Simple Man Who Like Any Sensible Person Wanted "Evil" to Let Go and Stop.

Many Thanks for this very, very truthful response video clip (I am glad you just sent it to me so that the wider population can hear it from someone else that many “prefer” to validate as my words mean little to many) as it is WORTH everyone REMEMBERING this sad truth that this “European Descendant” man in your clip is mentioning here about What the WEST (and obviously the minion/puppet “mobutu” afterwards on “their” instructions and guidance) did to Lumumba as it should NEVER be FORGOTTEN or even FORGIVEN.
That said everyone still needs to exercise caution in “thinking” and allow lessons be learned as it is true that neither “China” nor Russia share the bestial eugenics driven history of the “west” towards “African peoples” BUT they too are themselves totally NOT “innocent” as they come with agenda’s of their own and still have subscribed to the racist doctrines/mindset that the African is “sub-human/inferior” (as many a times their actions have shown in numerous events that they subscribe to this same mindset).
In fact, as a real world example: even to the not so long ago chinese “scientific community efforts” a few decades ago to “nullify” the archeological findings of “Lucy” that placed Africa as the “Cradle of Civilization” by intentionally falsifying, steering and misleading another (counter) archeological find in order to negate that original one so as to position the “cradle” of so called civilization in Asia. A very “sophisticated/meticulous” botched attempt at “directing” and falsifying history.
Thus, by simply strategically “Building” roads and infrastructure “FOR” YOU (Africa) they make you subtly “DEPENDENT” on them as the INFRASTRUCTURE be that physical or logical or technological NEEDS to be BUILT by AFRICAN originated people themselves who are THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX and not by those who think WITHIN it themselves as when “YOU” (African originated people) build it for yourself THEN and ONLY THEN will it make you INDEPENDENT and then YOU in turn can truly be self-sustaining.
Once again many thanks for this clip as I shall archive it on digiStream (so in future when they do try to “erase” history and digitally “metaverse” everyone there are still genuine copies in circulation for future generations to use as reference) and may inner peace of mind, body and soul be upon you:
Stay Strong!
Notice how another one of their “Propaganda” Tools called “Wikipedia” gently re-writes history and “doctors” the Lumumba story. They do this to “whitewash” everything as they know that they can brian-stain/groom your mental thoughts BECAUSE THEY OWN THE TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE that ALL OF YOU have chosen (consciously/unconsciously) to “use” and “lean” on with religious fervor INSTEAD of putting in the effort to build your OWN technical infrastructure.
“when you bury your head in the sand or look The other way you are indirectly contributing to the self-destruction of both yourself and your race “