This Evil SYSTEM Did Not Fall From The Sky....It is a "HUMAN CONSTRUCT"

When She first had this talk I saw it but like most I ignored it as did not fully grasp it at that age.
Then in the 80’s I listened to it again when I was older and it hit home. Although there are still a number of things they should have picked on and made this imbecile with the freaky glasses look like the imbecile that it is, such as hammer home the fact that over the past centuries so much resources, funds, effort and energy was put into dehumanizing and belittling people of color as that alone is mind-boggling and should be the first indicator of a “hidden agenda” and most importantly that there MUST be something definitely wrong mentally and emotionally with the oppressor and its minions to go to such lengths?
If back then those who labelled themselves as “white” had simply listened carefully and objectively analysitcally (without whipping up hate for Dr Cres Welsing) and put some time to think this through they would not have had to experience the PLANDEMIC now.
Its because they DID not LEARN anything from this thinking THEY were EXEMPT now like brother Malcolm once honestly stated “…the chickens came home to roost“.
It is always better to “FACE” truth when you can than to bury your head in the sand. Just think about it as if they who have labelled themselves as “white” had “listened” (as WE ARE ALL IN THIS THING TOGETHER whether they know it or not) that could have saved millions of lives from those who identified themselves with the label of “white” as the eugenicists only uses “color” as a smokescreen and in the end the Eugenicists/Technocrats came for “them” AFTER ALL!
But like they said no one listened to Dr Frances Cres Welsing nor even the lady who wrote in 2007 the book titled “Medical Apartheid” .
Now the “alternative” media is up in arms but did they care to listen should really be the question: I even remember a few people in the late 90’s talking about the ISIS papers but yet not even they listened but it came back to haunt us ALL.
Always Be You and Stay Strong!!
May Inner Peace of Mind and Soul Be With You:


“ They turned the “Snitch” into the “hero” by Relabelling the word to “AGENT”