MansaMusa posted an update
7 months, 4 weeks agoRemove this comment if you will but your CONSCIENCE will judge you.
That brainwashed, ignorant. mis-educated and indoctrinated approach of using “religion” (you and your silly “praise lord” nonsense) as a front something that you have no clue about its “history” or even its “formation” to “PRETEND” that you are ordained to talk on issues you know not. Conspiracy? Yeah right! What a pathetic ars kissing preacher look at the fool dressed in a devil red suit trying to feel good about itself….What an emotional and mentally inadequate weak being..
Because your very ministry DEPENDS for its own very EXISTENCE on SERVITUDE and CORRUPT practices of others who then provide you with money and the “Bling Bling” gifts you worship now you come on here trying to peddle your nonsense under the guise of another corrupt institution called religion. What you FAIL to understand is that the whole world is WAKING up to these scams that peddle as “INSTITUTIONS” that put so much effort into locking the people into SERVITUDE and SUBJUGATION. Yes! your own CHILDREN are waking up to the reality that their own parents aided and abetted evil by doing their utmost (many ignorantly) to lock their own children into SERVITUDE and SUBJUGATION compelling them thorough servitude based religions to stay mute and always TURN THE OTHER CHEEK even when they had none left to turn. Yes! your own children are now judging you for what you have done.
BUT: Let me ask you a straight question: WHERE IS YOUR CONSCIENCE?
If you even claim you “believe “in a creator then what happened to the creator being JUST?
After all if it is omnipotent, omnipresent, omni powerful then it MUST also be JUST…So HOW did being “JUST” get removed from that creator equation?
It is people like you who have corrupted religion and given it a bad name by REMOVING the concept of “JUST” from the creators equation so as to provide a window of escape for corruption and evil doings.
Sorry mate….this time you are out of your league and the younger generation are not as scared as generations before them to QUESTION and it is questioning and seeking TRUTH that will end/close these windows of corruption and evil that the likes of you and your ministry endorses and protects in order to sustain systems that are inherently evil and corrupted. That “Thing” inside of you that makes you evil and urges you to constantly try to maintain evil…that thing inside of you…yes! it is fast wearing out as people can now see through it all.
1 Comment-
MansaMusareplied 7 months, 4 weeks ago
These political gangster thieves STOLE everything thus let GEN Z force them to pay the debt they claim they owe to the WESTERN banks as it was they who STOLE the money in the first place. GEN Z get your dirt politician muppets to PAY the DEBTS owed to the IMF and other Chinese’s banks!!!! They Forced you into SERVITUDE (via the excessively endorsing and encouraging you into dubious religions making sure you spent much of your time in servitude) and SUBJUGATION (via their PoPo and clandestine organizations they also setup)….SO LET THEM PAY FO RTHE LOAN MONEY THEY STOLE!
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