• MansaMusa posted an update

    7 months, 4 weeks ago

    Although this is just a “battle” being fought where there is still a “WAR” ahead larger than just a “bismarck” colonial legacy country labelled kenya but WELL DONE to all Kenyans and GEN Z for leading the charge!

    Every young GEN Z must do their best to learn ICT and Research Methods and be positioned to be able to expose ALL these sort of corrupt practices. This gang of Muppet/Puppet political corrupted thieves and their deceptions has gone on far too long. They MUST be exposed as many of the devaluing of the African “life” has always been aided and abetted by muppets/puppets and sadly these self-hating muppets and puppets are your own grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts cousins, friends and even foes . It is time a younger generation understood the tactic/strategy of SERVITUDE and SUBJUGATION that they employed to achieve much of this docility and apathy in the masses. Time to produce a better world for ALL as organized corrupt institutions have been the playing ground for corrupt individuals for far too long. Remember Think-Outside-The-Box but constantly keep a VIGIL on the “box” as you must know at all times what the “box” is up to in order to be able to prevent the “box” from corrupting things around you. The apartheid South African regime had this nefariously infamous saying (I Quote:) “…cut off the head of a snake and you destroy the organization …” but GEN Z were wise as they realized that if the head of the snake was like Medusa then how do you kill the organization as smartly and rightly so they made it “headless”.

    Yes they kept you ignorant and docile by using institutions that teach you SERVITUDE and PROMOTE SERVITUDE then deploy other institutions that enforce SUBJUGATION such as the “Popo” and clandestine organization that operate by stealth to subjugate you . Expose them all then make sure to replace them with humane structures that appreciate humanity and not one that scorns it as creation and nature are perfect and do not need nefarious alterations by those who presuppose they know it all better than creation.

    It is the younger generation that must do their very best to produce societies that respect humanity as a whole and not societies of “servitude”. Make sure to go back to the drawing board and design systems that include respect for humanity and systems that are JUST as well as systems that provide skills to the masses and not servitude and do so by changing the family structure moving forward to one that emphasise skills for their children and not SERVITUDE by dragging them to places of worship daily and endlessly. GEN Z you have the blessings of the DAISPORA as where we failed you are taking the baton and shouldering the burden. Generations before us in the diaspora aided and abetted evil by playing the role of slave catcher and then even ended up being slaved. Now centuries after the younger generation are on path to BREAKING that “house Knee-Grow” mindset that made many before slave catchers who sold their souls for trinkets and spices to only end up bundled as slaves themselves and sent to the so called new-found lands amidst the innocent millions they in turn aided and abetted their own oppressor to catch. Remember your own direct and indirect family and extended family members are those who make up the clandestine organizations and PoPo who are SUBJUGATING and TERRORIZING you so for those who know their members go and have a one to one private talk with them asking them to STOP aiding and Abetting the destruction of SELF as these individuals doing the dirty work for the oppressors do have a conscience you just have to find it in them and get them to honour their conscience. Well done GEN Z we take our hats off to you!!

    1 Comment
    • These political gangster thieves STOLE everything thus let GEN Z force them to pay the debt they claim they owe to the WESTERN banks as it was they who STOLE the money in the first place. GEN Z get your dirt politician muppets to PAY the DEBTS owed to the IMF and other Chinese’s banks!!!! They Forced you into SERVITUDE (via the excessively endorsing and encouraging you into dubious religions making sure you spent much of your time in servitude) and SUBJUGATION (via their PoPo and clandestine organizations they also setup)….SO LET THEM PAY FO RTHE LOAN MONEY THEY STOLE!

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