• MansaMusa posted an update

    7 months, 3 weeks ago

    This is HOW the STATE (government) OPERATES in a diabolical manner as what you truly have as politicians are nothing but criminals/thieves and gangsters that have legitimized themselves through the strategy and use of LAW ( a product of “Demon-Hypocrisy”) .

    GEN Z are very smart and they learned their lessons well hence why they are catching the government in their silly diabolical games of EVIL. Things are radically different when you simply use your brain and ask QUESTIONS and OBSERVE actions never let yourself be steered into SERVITUDE as then they will also SUBJUGATE you. You are NOT SHEEP that can be blindly led off the cliff so tell the “shepherd” to go screw itself!!

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    Reacted by Osim
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    • Nigeria is warming up for her 10 days protest come first of August. The world needs its sanity restored.

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