• MansaMusa posted an update

    5 months, 1 week ago

    Who should we really blame? No one but OURSELVES as we permitted our brains to get indoctrinated with this nonsense. Should we not ask ourselves HOW ON EARTH did they MANAGE to get us to IGNORE REASON and FALL head over heals for such MANIPULATIVE LIES? WHAT TRULY IS WRONG WITH US MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY that made us FALL FOR SUCH STUPID LIES? WHY DO WE REPEATEDLY FALL FOR SUCH STUPID LIES? Its time we took a very close look at WHAT we SEE in the MIRROR!

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    • Then add to it all that other madness of life “After” death justifying ones own stupidity by amputating ones own brain into desiring to sit on the left and right side of some blonde and blue-eyed hairy dude BUT yet no being mentally capable of asking the simple question WHAT about life “BEFORE” death? Surely if there was a hereafter then there must have been a herebefore…so tell me So tell me since you are belief driven into a hereafter WHAT or WHOM were you before this present time…..Such stupidity of mental and emotional deficiencies.

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