MansaMusa posted an update
4 months, 1 week agoSomeone or some-group or something with the power, authority and resources is systematically and diabolically pushing, steering, enforcing and embedding SERVITUDE and SUBJUGATION as they have been doing it for a very long while now as it creeps and takes over societies producing countries littered with SOS (Societies Of SERVITUDE) within them (in other colloquial words “…YES SA!…” societies).
Pay close attention to WHAT you see in these two cases. These two cases are NOT isolated cases but a deeply entrenched system of SUBJUGATION that has been slowly constructed in many societies globally over time. Thus, ask yourself since when did a person only elected to an “office” suddenly become super-human and “Godified”? (in fact even a “GOD” would not act this way to be honest, as there is something terribly wrong here with the MINDSET that subscribes to pushing this sinister agenda of subjugation and dehumanisation).
No! this disease/mental and emotional deficiency is NOT native to Africa as it is (like the many religions) ALIEN to Africa originating from those who conceived of the “construct” of CLASSISM.
Thus, it has been slowly creeping in and gaining traction through vices such as religion and eurocentric cultural conditioning where they establish/created and enforced a mis-educated sub-set of human beings addicted to CLASSISM onto the political and religious structures of society.
In the two examples here you see it in its sinister form as those infected by it (those strutting around as leaders of political and religious structures) have their brains amputated into self-distorted beliefs of grandeur that stem from low individual self-esteem and inadequacies of mental and emotional states of being that then deludes them into states of self-granduer.
However, and dangerously so, because it is both insidious and diabolical in nature it is very “effective” in achieving SERVITUDE, SUBJUGATION and DEHUMANIZATION.
Now what we need to take away from what I am saying here is the plain TRUTH that the power base for this sinister mindset that is slowly taking over every facet of society is actually DEPENDENT upon your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, friends and foe alike as it is THEY who fuel/feed and guarantee that this mindset can exist. Yes! because it is THEY WHO ACTUALLY DO THE DIRTY WORK for them just as the SLAVE CATCHER was doing it for the slave masters and in the end they to get chewed up by their dirty actions just as the slave catchers to got shackled in the end and put on the slave ships they helped fill up with human cargo.
Like a number of “other” sinister things (too any to mention here) this is a PROBLEM and we all need to start turning our attention towards “HOW TO” solve this insidious problem of our own kind being evil and dehumanizing to their OWN KIND and thus, aiding and abetting a corrupted and nefarious SYSTEM to keep our own kind perpetually in SERVITUDE, SUBJUGATED and DEHUMANIZED.
Ironically, such solutions probably lie in our own household as it is actually from our own “households” that these deluded gang of subjugation intent creatures both find and derive their power (wings) as it is from our own very households that they find, lure and recruit their MINIONS who end up doing their dirty bidding thus we need to start looking INWARDS for the solution to this long lasting problem. as the MINIONS are actually our own family and extended family members and even our supposed very friends….so it is time we look inward to solve this.
YES! It is TIME we started addressing ROOT CAUSES and finding appropriate SOLUTIONS to ROOT CAUSES, no one is coming out of the sky to do it for us as it is ONLY WE the PEOPLE WHO CAN DO IT FOR OURSELVES and thus save our FUTURE GENERATIONS.
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