MansaMusa posted an update
4 months agoAt first you may find this video clip “humorous” but if you stop to pay attention to detail and instead apply some critical thought processes you will realize that this young gentleman is actually telling you something serious that we as a people need to understand and take actions to correct.
You see, it is easy to “criticize/ridicule” when you yourself lack the will/capabilities to do the same thing or better. As a simple example, and this example reflects on virtually most things in the world we live in. Especially, where we are both wanton and lacking.
Currently, we virtually produce nothing of substance that positively contributes to our own group development, thus, let us take this “game development world” subject matter where those who are labelled as “Black” globally have been playing games and even buying gaming related gear for more than three decades.
Yet we virtually do not own, nor make outright any games or gaming gear of OUR OWN. I am not talking about those “make-believe” gaming ventures which the oppressor has a hand in it behind the scenes, but rather I am talking about something WE produced from its mental inception, to its birth, cradle to death production process which truly means YOU created it.
Yet even when we do find the extremely “few” people amongst us who actually do, do some of this, we again spend all our time criticizing and ridiculing instead of “encouraging”, “Motivating” and “patronizing” them to aid them in obtaining the right conditions to stay afloat over time and refine their products.
The sad truth is “WE” are our own SELF-DESTROYERS as we invest our hard earned resources and time/effort in stupid things especially things we cannot see, touch or feel spending all our time learning to worship intangible things and learning how to “Slaughter/Subjugate/Dehumanize/Make Servile” your own kind. Yes! that is precisely what you do when you “learn/brainwashed” or are taught by power hungry brokers, to wield a weapon of any sort irrespective of how you “justify” it [i.e. I am only doing my job]. Thus, where through conditioning you are being taught to put on a uniform, handed a weapon and steered/directed to terrorize, bully, kill or maim your own kind under the guise of the “state” apparatus.
Lets ALL put in the effort to change the “mindset” of SELF-DESTRUCTION reversing this madness and start focusing on doing things that contribute productively to the well being of ALL our peoples and lets stop criticizing/ridiculing those who “try” to do productive things and instead patronize them so that they in turn can have the right conditions to improve and refine their efforts and work over time.
WE ARE THE CAUSE OF OUR OWN SELF-DESTRUCTION irrespective of the nefarious and diabolical forces that are “actively” at work behind the scenes perpetuating, encouraging chaos, manipulating and steering evil in the form of the “unseen-hand” as the unseen-hand can only be a “unseen-hand” if WE the people let them to be that.
It starts with YOU removing your blindfolds and questioning every presupposition you are making in order to permit yourself the objectivity to do THE RIGHT THINGS for the benefit of your OWN KIND!!
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