MansaMusa posted an update
3 months agoYes! Sister Abigail the oppressor has taught its “subjects” well as it has infested their minds. That said the tattooed freak-a-zoid that is self-patting/gloating his own ugliness on the back in the video clip is a deficient and sub-human relic of stupidity. Thus, no one should pay it any mind (or attention because that is what the creature is really seeking so as to get some Gootube pennies paid to it).
Evidently the overwhelming majority of so labelled “Black” Americans are NOT like this fool and many are sensible people who understand the DIVIDE and RULE game that is often played out by our mentally groomed and brainstained OWN KIND who do the dirty work/bidding of the oppressors..
Everyone should NOT pay this sub-human creature any attention because THAT is WHAT the creature is really trying to obtain so as to get “paid” by the oppressor (the fool has no clue who even/which clandestine organization really pays the cheques of ALL content creators behind the scenes on GooTube).
Yes! the “WANNA-BE” Gootuber is simply desperate for attention. Just look at the ugly tattoos all over it? Could he not at least have done better on design.
Then to even say he is “Educated” WHAT degree of education has that fool possibly attained (especially at that age?) if any. I do not recall him “specifying” in his incomprehensible selfie-video rant any “degrees” or professional qualifications of any kind as if he “HAD” them being the wanna-be GooTube “bragger” he is, he would have certainly “cited” his supposed educational or professional qualifications . So there alone is a “red flag” that he has NONE of importance.
Additionally, WHAT may one ask has he built? Has he built any system or anything development contributing that is positive?
As simply peddling/pushing “drugs” is not even classed as being “Rich” has he no understanding of that? He is there going to “Kenya” trying to FEEL GOOD ABOUT HIS SORRY AND PITIFUL SELF.
Simply put, ignore the retard as he is NOT in anyway a representation of those labelled as “Black American” hence why you see often we do call those in places like “amerikkka” who do not understand that “Black” is a COLOR (and not a “race” even ) hence why many of us call many usingthe term “black” as over-brainstained and fermenting Knee-GROWS as they do NOT in any way represent the wider population of African originated people in the Diaspora be that in amrikkka, the caribbean or brazil or even europe etc..
Sister…don’t waste your breathe on that mentally and emotionally inadequate KNEE-GROW!!! The creature is nothing but “desperate” for “ATTENTION” in his shallowness bid for GooTube wanna-be stardom as he strategizes to use “NEGATIVE” Fame to achieve “FAME” at all costs and behind the scenes pick up a GooTube paycheck from his very oppressors that owns it and pays the likes of it and many more who have now made themselves DEPENDENT on that stream of income/donations from the oppressor (an oppressor that grows more powerful each day because of fools like this, and as such can also pull the carpet from under their feet at any point in time)..
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