MansaMusa posted an update
3 months agoI had to go find this video clip as it tells a sad story of HOW WE SELF DESTRUCT and often sell our souls to the devil to become agents of foreign clandestine organizations to subjugate, sabotage, dehumanize and Betray our own kind simply because we are addicted to control, power and authority for SELFISH “I” desires.
Thus we groom our own selves into becoming monsters that both co-opt and sabotage anything good in order to “contain” it simply for selfish power/dominance greed. The “I” mindset will always be evil/self-destructive and needs to be replaced with the “WE” mindset!
1 Comment-
MansaMusareplied 3 months ago
Pay attention while watching and listening to this: Notice that Ghadaffi was the major contributor to the AU and during that time there is no mention of “FOREIGN” donors. So the question remains HOW did the AU suddenly now become FOREIGN OWNED? Who were the individuals responsible for initiating and collecting the FOREIGN” donations?
To ALL African originated people, Men and Women, young and old, educated and mis-educated you need to start being METHODOLOGICAL in HOW you go about UNDERSTANDING your “Problems”.
Always use the 5WH Thinking Framework to Critically think through any given scenario. For those of you that are “Research astute go and figure out HOW did the “financing” of this so called organization suddenly shift from being an “African organization to being a virtually Foreign OWNED organization. WHO were the person(s) responsible for this paradigm shift? WHAT facilitated this shift? WHO also have been the “beneficiaries” of this shift? HOW has it impacted the trajectory of Pan Africanism to date? WHAT needs to be done to correct this shift?
There is a strategy called the Strategy of “Containment” research it and understand it then apply it to this case especially when you are seeking and preparing solutions to problems.
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