MansaMusa posted an update
2 months, 4 weeks agoGood to see that we are NOT permitting them to wipe out history and re-write it to suit their nasty narratives. ALL our education curriculums need to be revisited and CORRECTED.
As the TRUTH MUST BE TOLD and TAUGHT TO THE YOUNGER GENERATION. ARCHIVE and DOCUMENT EVERYTHING NEVER PERMIT THEM TO MIS-EDUCATE your CHILDREN. Thus, to you brainless mis-educated Directors of so called Departments of “EDUCATION” in Africa you need to get your dick out of your mouths and start standing up to TRUTH and making sure you CORRECT ALL THE MIS-EDUCATION that prevails in your educational systems. Make double sure these stories and even the story of brother Samouri Toure the one man to make actually manufacture weapons during the french encroachment on Africa is TAUGHT to the children as they MUST know their TRUE hero’s not the fake ones spoon-fed to them by the oppressor and MIS-EDUCATION.
Stop being a spineless scumbag and use your position to do the RIGHT THINGS and avoid aiding and abetting the DIVIDE and RULE, the SUBJUGATION, the SERVITUDE and SODOMIZATION game being played on the whole of AFRICA and its global peoples by your oppressors. WAKE UP!!!
1 Comment-
MansaMusareplied 2 months, 4 weeks ago
As we ALL need to comprehend the LEVEL OF EVIL that is prevailing here. These so called men believed the european LIES that the whole world had to chip in to fight evil Hitler! They in turn volunteered their lives to help “SAVE” europeans from THEMSELVES and in return when all they did was protest for a slightly better wage they got SLAUGHTERED and BUTCHERED down in cold blood by machine gun fire like the grass under the lawn-mower.
This level of eurocentric EVIL is truly mindboggling and EVERYONE including europeans need to start recognising the depth of the EVIL they in turn have now INFECTED, like a virus, EVERYONE else with. They have now subtly taught (and even “normalized” it) others to be EVIL just like them.
Initially when I first read about this event decades ago my stance, being someone who strongly reasons on “Prevention” and “ABSTENTION” as two elements of safety, was to dismiss the implications of this event by saying (I quote myself:) “…Serves them right for volunteering to “help” their oppressors….” BUT as time has passed by and given a tremendous amount of “thought” on this subject it slowly hit me that given their “CONDITIONS” of the time these men probably had little or no choice other than to volunteer to help their oppressors. As often times we are all simply a by-product of the life conditions we find ourselves born into and evolved into.
Thus, one needs to step back and genuinely ask…is this the best “REWARD” their oppressors (Just like the EVIL and mentally sick Christopher Columbus did to the so-labelled “Native American Indians”) could give in return to these men?
REALLY! You must be very, very sick and deeply troubled if this is WHAT you see as fitting as a REWARD for their loyalty “Sacrifices” to you their very oppressor?
Yes! undoubtedly you must be coming from a very SICK place to do this and to make matters worst your post generations they too must be coming from a VERY VERY sick place to even want to (let alone attempt to) COVER this Uncivilized and extremely barbaric act up.
What I point out may not make anyone feel “comfortable” but this is not about peoples weak states of mental/emotional beings as it is about TRUTH!! So if you wrestle with discomfort at what I say then simply grab your balls/breasts and pass on by!
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