• MansaMusa posted an update

    1 year, 8 months ago

    Long before any alien or foreign religion came to “Africa” or even The “North Americas” or places as far out as Australia and New Zealand, the people there ALWAYS had “FAMILIES” and believed strongly in the FAMILY UNIT.

    Thus, often when I hear europeans constantly waffling on about the “Family” being traditional “Western or Christian” values it makes me wonder what planet they are on as it seems they think ONLY “they” exists on planet earth. “Family” is NOT a western or Christian “Value” it is a UNIVERSAL value that has always been “CENTRAL” to humans.

    The ONLY problem that humanity has had is that, just like the constructors of Feudalism, the constructors of Classism, the constructors of all the “isms (be that capitalism, communism or socialism etc.) and the constructors of Race (including “critical Race theories” which they seem to forget was also crafted by european “academic” descendants living in far places such as Brazil etc.) as well as the constructors of Colonialism, Apartheid, Segregation, Ebola, Zika, Aids, the witch-hunts, eugenics, global depopulation, crusades, trans-atlantic slavery, genocide, so-called “world Wars” and far too many ills to spell out here, these “CONSTRUCTS” were ALL instigated, prompted and masterminded in various ways again by “europeans.

    YES!! There are a few europeans who understand this simple truth, but many still need to take off their blinkers as sadly, european global descendants are also the same very ones who now have gone to extra lengths to “destroy” the FAMILY in recent times.

    Diabolically doing so through coercive tactics and using its orchestrated and brainwashed/miseducated “minions” to peddle to the world the pronoun “it” with strong “legitimacy” and “backing” coming from all the same places (governments, organizations, religious and non-religious as well as corrupted paid off influencers and ignorant entertainers and academics) that one would have sincerely “hoped” that these same, now corrupted, groups would have done their utmost to do the opposite and at all costs “preserve” the “Family” as a universal value.

    Maybe, just “maybe”, if we ALL stop playing these self-amputating games we seem to enjoy playing with our brains to make our weak and inadequate souls feel better about ourselves, then, maybe, we could ALL genuinely save the “FAMILY” and thus save HUMANITY from self-destruction and self-extinction whilst preserving the FAMILY as a true universal value.