• MansaMusa posted an update

    1 year, 8 months ago

    This message goes out to the YOUNGER generation of African descendant people globally, be you in mainland Africa or in the Diaspora (even if you are an Aborigine or an Untouchable), as well as it is a call to those of my generation and older that constantly opted to bury their heads in the sand and ignore their own plight as a people as that time has come for us to now pull our heads out of the sand and do the right thing.

    For those of you fortunate enough to be PRUDENT in your ways, then:

    Find this album and LISTEN carefully to the words. Ignore the screams or shouts, and do not justify your own stupidity by failing to appreciate the “CONTENT” of what is SAID in the album. This is NOT about a “rap” musician or about “popularity” or no popularity, it is about WHAT she is SAYING as it is the MESSAGE that is crucial to understand as what she said 30 years ago is more RELEVANT TODAY than it even was back then.

    Unless you have had your head stuck in the sand: We ALL KNOW that there has been a concerted plan and effort over the centuries to date (as it is still subtly going on) to dehumanize, sodomize, belittle, subjugate and destroy those they have “labeled” black. Sadly, in the past, somehow nearly the WHOLE world bought into the plot and aided the plot (too complex to explain in a comment section here).

    Yes! There were groups of western individuals globally that probably did not want to be a “part” of the plot, but nevertheless the overwhelming majority of groups and individuals “Followed” the plot and script as laid down for them.

    African originated people need to fully grasp that NO ONE is truly their “Friend” as HISTORY has proven that time after time (if you can’t learn from history you are not only bound to repeat it, but you are also doomed) as they are only in it for what they can get and in most cases it is what the creator put on/in the land underneath your feet that they are ALL mainly after.

    Africa and the African originated person no matter where you ended up in the globe are on their OWN, so it stands to common sense that we have to look to OURSELVES for salvation and development and not to the illusions of “Other” nor some illusion popping out of the sky to “save” us.

    Development is merely a “Human Construct” and it is not hard to do if you set your mind to it, as the real stumbling blocks are the mindset that we, as a people, have developed over the centuries.

    For example, we imitated what the oppressors told us to do in virtually “everything” from dress mode, to thought/action patterns, our speeches, not even our criteria for writing our own history was spared, our modes of imparting knowledge, our educational curriculums, even down to the organizations we formed (for example AU as even that was “modelled” and operated on their approach/mindset) where we followed step by step the patterns of HOW our oppressors guided us that we should set them up and run them hence why organizations like the African Union (AU) became empty vessels that ended up being sponsored (imitating a stake-holder pattern) and virtually owned by the same oppressors that got us all in this mess in the first place.

    Worse yet, now these organizations are subtly aiding and abetting the very oppressors to lead us all over the cliff.

    For instance: See how they are pegging so called “expected” African unification “agendas” that supposedly come into reality only after the lifespan of those existing ruling elites in the AU organization itself when they shamelessly “ALSO” know deep in their sell-out hearts that there is a counter “One World” (with the oppressor sitting at the top) agenda for 2030 in place (shame on you AU).

    One thing that EVERYONE should NOTE: UNITY is not something you “preach” as it is something you TEACH, so ask the one simple question that everyone should have long asked….

    QUESTION: Did the AU ever have a program to “TEACH” UNITY in every primary and secondary school in Africa?

    So, if it did not, WHY then would “unity” be expected?

    Beyond the staff constantly jetting off to five-star hotels for events they orchestrated and holding high-level empty meetings, WHAT in truth can the AU show to AFRICANS globally that it has TRULY done for the cause of UNITY and the MASSES?

    Did it really even involve the African PUBLIC in the things it was doing? Where was the PUBLIC input?
    The African Union was set up for the supposed benefit of Africans, yet it ended up becoming a TOP-DOWN ivory-tower organization with very little understanding of the AFRICAN or AFRICA.

    Even in today’s age of “Technology” where it is easy to have public group digital meeting that involve the participation of the public, the AU did not even have an ITC team that was responsible for engaging the “PUBLIC” through technology, but instead it engaged FOREIGN DONORS who now own it.

    Thus, as far as I am aware it never even once held public African “peoples” meetings where the public have an input into any of the policies or laws it formulated as in all truth it never CARED for the AFRICAN PEOPLE beyond constructing an “elite” class within the AU itself that became puppeteers to foreign donors.

    Yes, I know, no one likes to hear the truth, BUT it is the TRUTH either way.

    Anyway, like I said earlier do listen to every word Sista Souljah has to say and even the parts that you may “think” may not be relevant to your own use case I can assure you if you think deep enough analytically you will find that almost every word is very much applicable to your own use case no matter where in the world you find yourself as the underlying “ROOT” problem is the same.

    You have to part ways with those before you as my generation and generations before me sold you out, and you need to understand this as prior generation’s self-conceited actions, greed, pat-on-the-back nappy behavior, relentless desire to be “accepted” and ignorance set Africa back a thousand years and ONLY YOU (the young when you wake up in a timely manner) can correct many of the wrongs that my generation and those before me did to you.

    But you first must undo your own PRESUPPOSITIONS (things subtly embedded in you thorugh eurocentric cultural conditioning) as well as your own acquired INDOCTRINATION and BRAIN-STAINING done through miseducation and a lack of you balancing out your commitments to “religions” that in themselves were gently imposed on you not with the well-being of Africa at heart.

    Do not just “hear” her words but CAREFULLY “LISTEN” to every word said then armed with the wisdom of what you know and what you can still find out doing a bit of self-research then go forth and with teamwork genuinely improve the well-being of the future generations of Africa with Pride, Integrity and Dignity (P.I.D).

    Bear in mind, many of you have been sterilized without you knowing it (and the diabolical depopulation efforts are still going on in earnest), but none of those ills should thwart your mindset and efforts to ensure many of the atrocities (known and unknown) that have taken place to your kind over centuries and to date should never again be permitted to happen to generations after you.

    Wrapping up: Like I said, it is NOT about the high-pitched tone of voice or the pain she feels in these songs, but rather it is about WHAT she is EXPLAINING to you that you need to pay attention to. Do not do the classic Knee-Grow thing and bury your head in the sand…instead put in the effort to LISTEN as we all need to start BEING THE TRUTH as the TRUTH NEEDS ALL HANDS ON DECK.

    The Development of Africa and its Diaspora NEEDS to be DONE BY AFRICANS, as no “friends or enemies” are needed, just AFRICANS.

    By simply Thinking-Outside-The-Box while constantly keeping a vigil on the “Box” we have what it takes to DEVELOP in a more HUMANE way than ever before. We do not NEED Non-Africans to show or direct or Guide us on HOW to develop, nor do we need hypocrites to tell us about demon-hypocrisy as we KNOW what Freedom was, is and can be, and we understand the beauty of statelessness as that is the essence of FREEDOM contrary to miseducated inverted understanding of “statelessness” as without statelessness there is no FREEDOM and “anarchy” is NOT statelessness that is a pre-embedded presupposition that was planted in the brainwashed deeply rooted in our miseducation.

    You, the YOUNGER GENERATION, simply question your own presuppositions and march forward with the understanding that UNITY is something you TEACH and ACT on, not something you preach, romanticize or debate on.

    May Inner Peace of Mind, Body and Soul Sincerely Be With You!