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  • All “…ISMS…” are the same as really all they want is a PIECE OF THE PIE hence why in practice the “revolutionary” today becomes the tomorrows “Rolls Royce” evolutionary once the revolution is over. As they are not really interested in FREEDOM, PRIDE, INTEGRITY or DIGNITY but rather just “CONTROL/POWER /AUTHORITY” and a “PIECE of the PIE”. Africa n…[Read more]

  • Who should we really blame? No one but OURSELVES as we permitted our brains to get indoctrinated with this nonsense. Should we not ask ourselves HOW ON EARTH did they MANAGE to get us to IGNORE REASON and FALL head over heals for such MANIPULATIVE LIES? WHAT TRULY IS WRONG WITH US MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY that made us FALL FOR SUCH STUPID LIES?…[Read more]

    • Then add to it all that other madness of life “After” death justifying ones own stupidity by amputating ones own brain into desiring to sit on the left and right side of some blonde and blue-eyed hairy dude BUT yet no being mentally capable of asking the simple question WHAT about life “BEFORE” death? Surely if there was a hereafter then there…[Read more]

    When you are a “Wasp” and faced with a formidable foe such as an Elephant, the only thing you have going for you is “STRATEGY”. So always stay close to and focused on the back of the Elephant’s head and when it exerts energy to raise its head in order to swing its trunk backwards over its head t…[Read more]

  • Like they say a picture is worth a thousand words:

  • Long before any alien or foreign religion came to “Africa” or even The “North Americas” or places as far out as Australia and New Zealand, the people there ALWAYS had “FAMILIES” and believed strongly in the FAMILY UNIT.

    Thus, often when I hear europeans constantly waffling on about the “Family” being traditional “Western or Christian” values…[Read more]

  • Once again, an image with text speaks a thousand words:

  • They say a picture speaks a thousand words: