• Odiwuor posted an update

    2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Talking to some of our people (Africans) is the most depressing thing in this world. I get phrases like ‘Trump will end all war’ and ‘a win for Trump is a win for Africa,’ thrown at me all the time. Is this ignorance or stupidity?
    It is simple; while the aspiration to end wars is noble (the kind of nobility that Trump clearly lacks), achieving it requires navigating the intricate realities of international relations, domestic politics, and the specific nature of conflicts. Leaders like Trump may strive to reduce direct military involvement, but fully “ending wars” often requires sustained diplomatic efforts, international cooperation, and addressing root causes of conflicts—tasks that go beyond the capabilities or terms of any single administration. And even at that, no single administration has ever wanted to or had the interest to address the root causes of conflicts. But why? The simplest answer is that this is all a war for resources. Western nations do have any of these resources they desire; they have to get them from somewhere, preferably Africa. The tragedy is that they (western nations) lack the moral decency to get these resources the right way, in an egalitarian manner. So how do they do it? Their first and only tool is war, an art they have perfected so well over the centuries.
    So, my brothers and sisters, If Trump’s rhetoric aligns with your hopes for peace, it’s worth scrutinizing how policies and actions align with outcomes and considering the broader factors influencing global conflicts.
    Furthermore, being that the driving force behind all these is resources, we should all remember that Trump’s presidency did not challenge the longstanding pattern of resource exploitation. U.S. and Western companies continued to extract African resources, often under exploitative contracts, while African nations saw limited industrialization or equitable profit-sharing.
    Perhaps what these deluded African brothers and sisters should understand is that EXPLOITATION IS STRUCTURAL, NOT PRESIDENTIAL. In essence, Western exploitation of African resources is entrenched in a global system that transcends individual leaders or administrations. Africa’s response must target systemic changes.

    So let us all wake up from our delusion!

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    Reacted by Joy wanjiku And 1 Other
    • I agree with you brother Odiwuor.You’ve said it all.I only have less than ten words.DONALD TRASH IS JUST ANOTHER FOOL IN POWER.

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      Reacted by Odiwuor
      • Sadly, our people are so consumed by looking for a savior such that they start believing that the oppressor can save them. Sad

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        Reacted by Odiwuor
    • Brother, 

      Your words captures a reality that many lack the mental capacity to fathom. If there is a fool on planet earth that “THINKS” for a fraction of a second that humpty hump will “save” them then that fool needs to understand that it is what it sees in the “MIRROR” that is the REAL problem.

      Like you correctly point out “ROOT CAUSES” have never been tabled, let alone “ADDRESSED” and sadly they will NEVER be addressed because it is not in the “interest” of power brokers/oppressors to address such things as after all that is how they “derive” their very power and near existence, simply from the “imbalance”.

      I also agree with you that merely “listening” to these mental dwarfs that sadly also happen to be African in origin “globally” can most times be a very depressing experience. An experience that at times one wonders what these goons have for a brain (if any)….probably saw dust.

      One take away from their delusion is that they re-affirm ones own sanity!

      Hang in there and do Stay Strong!


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      Reacted by Odiwuor And 1 Other
      • Sadly, some of these MISEDUCATED geniuses dont listen. They think they know too much to listen.

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