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  • Odiwuor posted an update

    1 week, 3 days ago
    • Oh! Oh! We have the queen of Coconuts in the house….Brain washed “Please Massa Let me PLEEEEAAASSSEE YOU” KneeGrows!! Ask yourslef WHAT has her REAL private LIFE been liek? What has she had to do to get to sit at the baby seat of the “house”? The HOUSE KNEEGROW that creature is definitely a “problem” that historically “needs” a solution,

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      Reacted by Odiwuor
      • I canot imagine how many dirty toes she had to leak to get there. Was is worth it? A BIG NO. Sometimes I think Benadoch is a mental case, not all mad people walk naked in the market.

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        Reacted by MansaMusa
        • Brother, I guess that mental infection got worse with the “gates” of hell jab! I am not sure even she knows what is swarming around mysteriously inside her brain…All we know is that she is dangerous to her OWN KIND! Sad! Very SAD!!

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          Reacted by Odiwuor
          • I agree. And what I say let them pepper her, she will understand what they are after they are done with her KNEEGROW ass. As sad as it is we must remmember she chose this path, the one for distruction just for a few pieces of silver.

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            • Brother you hit the nail on the head when you used the words (I Quote:) “She ‘chose’ that path….” that is truly the SAD PART in all of this as where was Pride, Integrity and dignity (PID) she “tossed” them all out the window so as to be “Accepted , Liked and Patted on the back like a good puppy” by her very oppressors….CRAZY!

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  • Odiwuor posted an update

    2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Capitalism makes you think you are thinking when you are not!!!

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    • Well pointed out my brother Odiwuor…permit me to add this little piece of truthful information for anyone who sees and understands your…[Read more]

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      Reacted by Odiwuor
      • I totally agree with you. The other day I was talking to fellow comrades about whether I can move to another country like Zambia and answer was that its not a big issue. In fact, for me it is like changing neighbourhood. That is to say that regardless of the geographical location, we are all one people. We never participated in the egregious…[Read more]

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        Reacted by Odiwuor
  • Odiwuor posted an update

    2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Talking to some of our people (Africans) is the most depressing thing in this world. I get phrases like ‘Trump will end all war’ and ‘a win for Trump is a win for Africa,’ thrown at me all the time. Is this ignorance or stupidity?
    It is simple; while the aspiration to end wars is noble (the kind of nobility that Trump clearly lacks), achievi…[Read more]

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    Reacted by Joy wanjiku And 1 Other
    • I agree with you brother Odiwuor.You’ve said it all.I only have less than ten words.DONALD TRASH IS JUST ANOTHER FOOL IN POWER.

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      Reacted by Odiwuor
      • Sadly, our people are so consumed by looking for a savior such that they start believing that the oppressor can save them. Sad

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        Reacted by Odiwuor
    • Brother, 

      Your words captures a reality that many lack the mental capacity to fathom. If there is a fool on planet earth that “THINKS” for a fraction of a second that humpty hump will “save” them then that fool needs to understand that it is what it sees in the “MIRROR” that is the REAL problem.

      Like you correctly point out “ROOT CAUSES” have…[Read more]

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      Reacted by Odiwuor And 1 Other
      • Sadly, some of these MISEDUCATED geniuses dont listen. They think they know too much to listen.

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  • Odiwuor changed their profile picture

    4 months, 1 week ago
  • Odiwuor posted an update

    4 months, 1 week ago

    What does Trump’s Presidency mean for Africa?
    Despite the seemingly popular perception that a “win for Trump is a win for Africa,” the reality is quite the opposite. US foreign policy has always and will always remain the same regardless of the officeholder. There might be cosmetic changes, but that’s just it, cosmetic. We will be treated to…[Read more]

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    Reacted by MansaMusa And 1 Other
    1 Comment
    • Very! Very!! TRUE my brother…The ONLY friend AFRICA has is ITSELF and right now not even that can be relied upon given the level of SELLOUTS, PUPPETS, MUPPETS, WARRANT CHIEFS, CORRUPTED VAGABONDS/THIEVES, OPERATIVES and KNEE-GROWS etc. Thus we have “FIENDS” and NOT FRIENDS Conclusively,, ONLY the PEOPLE CAN SAVE THE PEOPLE!

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