• Oladele posted an update

    4 months ago

    The question I get most often is, “Why bother?”

    My answer has never changed: You couldn’t possibly understand, so don’t bother asking.

    To a person whose total human experience sums up to the bottom 2 layers of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, life is all about the next opportunity to eat, shit, sleep, fuck, and eventually, die.

    A society made up of such people cannot put together a government that is capable of planting trees instead of eating seeds. It cannot build roads, sewers, water systems, schools, and hospitals. It will instead directly reflect the mental underdeveloped of its constituent people and become the world capital of open defecation, out-of-school kids, and extreme poverty.

    Such a society certainly cannot contemplate the existence of external involvement in its everlasting misgovernance or understand the implications of such a thing. Anyone trying to educate this society about its place in the world will be perceived the same way a baby perceives an adult telling them that there are more important things in the world than the next opportunity to soil their nappy.

    It’s a waste of time for such people to try to comprehend what drives people who are at the upper levels of the hierarchy of needs, and they honestly shouldn’t even try.

    Go back to consuming gossip about Iyabo Ojo, Very Dark Man and the Equatoguinean sex tape guy, while waiting for your next chance to eat, shit, fuck and sleep. Then when the trailer falls on your head in traffic, or the live NEPA wire lying in a puddle electrocutes you while walking home, or any of the 1001 stupid Nigerian deaths happens to you eventually, you can die the same way you lived – small, unaware and unimportant.

    If you honestly don’t understand it already, don’t bother your sweet head trying to understand what that David Hundeyin weirdo is up to.

    You’re not the audience and you couldn’t understand if you tried.

    Written by David Hundeyin

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    Reacted by MansaMusa And 1 Other
    1 Comment
    • Well said .! Thanks for reminding our people about the stupidities of NEPA. If only someone had kept the stats on how many times the negligence of NEPA has electrocuted people…The masses often laugh about it but it is not a laughing matter as the lack of “VALUE” for the African child/life starts at the government parastatals level where there is no accountability!

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