The "bismarck Country referred to as "Nigeria" is said to have Deportted a "British" man for "racist" behaviour
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking.
“Recently Splashed All Over Mass Social Media is The Story of One of Bismarcks Colonial Countries still labelled Nigeria Had Deported A British Man For Racist Conduct “
By I.F.A
For now let us assume that this story has an element of truth in it:

It is easy to jump on “one” low hanging fruit case and “MAKE NOISE” but the truth is behind closed doors that man probably even got compensated and still has his economic tentacles in there as many are scapegoating on “him” but his “COMPANY” and its operations no one has said a word about…after all WHAT took him there?
The man probably “cares” not as he has belittled the people he wants to, as well as obtained the wealth from their resources that he wants and even wined, dined and even bedded the women/boys or whatever he wants as in his mind we are still “savages”. More so, the truth is that he still has a standard of living in the west far greater than the overwhelming majority of peoples so what does he truly care?
Like the fool “Trevor Hugh Roper” the former dean of oxford who ‘unchallenged’ extensively drummed out that “Africa has NO HISTORY and the only “history” there is is european (sadly those academics at the time of African descent like feeble cowards many held him in high esteem and revered/virtually idolized and worshiped him and did not even challenge him as they held him in “awe” as usual like they hold “technology” and gadgets in “awe” today).
Yes! African academics/historians back then fell flat on intellect to understand that Africa was largely genuinely “FREE” in the truest sense of the word (many parts “Stateless” a concept many today still cant comprehend and mix-up with anarchy because that is how they were “groomed” by their oppressors to think of it due to mis-education and heavy indoctrination) abiding by natural laws and not human constructs of “legal” systems constructed by oppressors for control and that Africans prior to the european were the only real “civilized and humane” group as evil, sodomization, belittling, dehumanization, warfare, corruption, “man-iifying” religion, destruction of the family, “tribalism”, manipulation, crimes against humanity, infusion of insecurities, construct of financial servitude, evolution of corrupt systems of politics for governance and all the other nastiness were NOT part of the pre-european African make-up UNTIL the “european” came along to “change” all that polluting, indoctrinating and manipulating the whole continent into cycles of infectious corruption, blind adoption of modernized notions of serfdom/aristocracy (something that was the traditional “history” of europe itself) and all the other adopted “constructs and systems” that you see today as what makes up society and “life”.
Sadly, hardly anyone even has the insight to question all their own pre-embedded PRESUPPOSITIONS about LIVING and “Life” (a ‘creator’ given thing, ironically, the “creator” if you are sharp to notice, is the very thing that “science” [which is only a methodology itself that many hold in over esteemed “awe”] said never existed and that there was ONLY a “BIG BANG” to human existence YET now, suddenly, as a way of introducing their recent crimes against humanity plandemic those labeling themselves as scientist started talking at global conferences of “INTELLIGENT” scientific design for the 4th Industrial Revolution that will change “humans” thereby systematically [knowingly or unknowingly] ACKNOWLEDGING “Creation” itself for the previous “INTELLIGENT DESIGN” that they seem to have forgotten that it was also THEY who had previously invested so much energy, resources and time to indoctrinate the world into believing was a “BIG BANG” thing only and does not exist…..Oh wel! Like the “native” indian says [I Quote:] “….whiteman talks with forked tongues….”).
This man kicked out of bismarcks “nigeria” like the likes of Roper his “intellectual” racist counter-part predecessor that chanted that Africa has no history beyond the history of Europeans strongly BELIEVES in the “NORMALIZATION” and treatment of “Africans” with disdain and contempt subject to non-human status in the world they construct as all of them care NOT for Africans and Africa beyond its resources.
Sadly, one has to also acknowledge the truth that it is not “their” duty to “care” for us as that should be OUR responsibility to lift ourselves up from the mud of Shey-YT civilization and making sure History does not repeat itself in various ways directly or indirectly.
Personally, the only good things in this video clip were the Caribbean guy the video creator sort of introduced at the beginning that talked of the “6th Region” where he even clearly pointed out the ignorant “use” by so many of us still of the word “BLACK” (something many cant comprehend its psychological ramifications hence why they ignorantly use the word not realizing that “language” and its construct and evolution is NOT innocent) and the part the guy at the end in a red jacket talked about the distorted mindset of South Africans gleefully kicking out Zimbabweans and Nigerians etc. while not saying a Word about the real “IMMIGRANTS” and “FREE-HOLD” RESIDENTS who are their european and chinese economic buddies.
Unfortunately, the kicker here is that many of them say all these things to look good on GooTube and to increase followers but if the same so labelled “Whiteman” gave them a million today to sell their soul or sabotage their fellow brother/sister they would probably gleefully do just that as “INTEGRITY/DIGNITY” is not that deeply rooted yet amongst us as a people.
Like Umar Johnson rightly publicly pointed out some time back, those who bark often only bark because they got rejected and were not given a piece of the pie. Thus, many do not live and breathe dignity and integrity they only shout “Black” (they don’t even understand the “difference” between what is being “black” and what is being African …even this reality escapes them) because it is fashionable or “Kool” to do so as they are no better than their very oppressors as like brother Malcolm rightly pointed out you have house niggas and field niggas and they are NOT the same pedigree.
After all, notice that they are still shouting “Individual” BISMARCK Countries as not one of them UNDERSTAND that particular concept/construct and its psychological impact on MINDSET/EXTENDED-INDOCTRINATION as it is the very BISMARCK’S BORDERS that is the ROOT OF DIVISION and ironically also the key to eliminating their centuries old problem and brainwashing that has subtly been imposed on them while also being unknowingly “embraced” through eurocentric systems of Politics, Religion, Social and Cultural frameworks of servitude, Economic steering, Scientific “unquestioning” that has evolved over time, legalization and adoption of alien “Aristocratic” centric law/legal frameworks, proliferation of clandestine organizations all over the continent again taught to them, internal militarization of colonial countries largely trained by them (as they are no use in a real war against the REAL enemy) and worse the weaponization and intense indoctrination of generation after generation of children and adults into docility, ignorance and lethargy….the list goes on!
Anyway, that spells it out!
Do Stay Strong and always remember: Do not discard the “box” as you need to always know what that “box” is doing but do LEARN to THINK OUTSIDE the “BOX”