The REAL Power is The PEOPLE....YES! YOU
Ever since Malcolm X there has been nothing as PURE as this man Dr Shiva. For decades they downplayed his contributions to the world of technology from RSA to SHA to email but he held his grounds despite all the slander they attempted on him. Yes! Dr Shiva many who are labelled as “Black” may be silent but those who are in the know are 1000 percent behind you as we strongly believe in PURITY over stupidity and you are PURE in thoughts and actions. It does not matter if both the “establishment or the Not So Obvious Establishment” give you your due credit as you have been PURE to truth and reality and that is what matters and what those who understand will always use to raise their hats off in respect to you. We wish you the very best as we are all busy having to address the stupidity of human conditioned mindset that produces evil on such level and desires to act as a control-freak on all humanity.
People forget the 2 centuries of the Witch hunts you need to be very very innately sick to do such things, They forget the Native Americans have been made virtually extinct INTENTIONALLY just as so many of world religions were systematically neutralized let alone the mindset that sort to institutionalize slavery and things like Apartheid and colonial rule etc. You must have a innate sickness to conjure up such things then gleefully try to sell it to the world as “normal”.
If people would simply do what the people in this movement were doing (opening their eyes and hearts to truth) then the world would be a better place. The necessary change for HUMANITY will come when many of those present fools who think they are “Just doing their job” and self proclaiming themselves to be “hero’s” because of their job (when they are zero’s as for example how many can even arrest their so called bosses for committing the same or worse crimes they claim they arrest ordinary people for doing out of dire survival needs…go on think about it…none of them can yet they “make believe” that they are “hero’s”…senseless).
Shiva has told you he may “Lead” simply because he is the most knowledgeable to do so but it is not about him the person it is about a “Bottoms Up” movement and that is what purity is all about as certainly the global corrupt house needs cleaning as for centuries the evil has gone on for way too long. If you have the capabilities to READ simply read the history books it is filled with evil, violence, glorification and extreme intentional maintained lies. You do not need to go to spec-savers to see that just read!!
Dr Shiva we hope more people in that country will have the courage to see what you are doing and hopefully they will wake up and assist in cleaning up the mess!
We wish you well!
P/S for those brothers and sisters out there if you did your research well you would have long known that those that were thrust down our throats as “hero’s” were never really hero’s especially King simply go and do your research and more importantly about Magret Sagler and his participation etc.. All that Shiva has said is NOT secret it is just because YOU do not know this: Do not just start hating on anyone out of your own ignorance to understand what it is they are saying as always first do your own objective research and when you to know have the courage to face truth and not bury your head in the sand. The starting points to change are knowing and acknowledgement. If you do not “Know” you can not acknowledge and if you cant acknowledge you can not make change as we do not want our children any longer growing up wi

“ Do Not Hate Anyone Just Because You Have An Urge To Hate…First Listen and Pay Attention To What They Have To Say “